Ted Roche wrote:
> On 7/3/07, Matthew Jarvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>If they can't state
>>the problem into a few simple sentences, then they either don't
>>understand the problem,  haven't thought it thru all the way, or just
>>want to throw money at a problem to make it go away...
> You say "throwing money" like it's a bad thing ;)
> Dead on advice, though. Once I get the client to give me a
> one-sentence definition of the project, each scope change can be
> challenged with "Is this essential for us to <restate mission>?" and
> it can help clear away a lot of the gratuitous gold-plating.

I may be overly sensitive to this subject of 'vagueness' these days....

The other day the boss wanted me to add a number to one of our intranet 
webpages thats a 'dashboard' kinda thing showing a snapshot of the 
overall picture of how the company is doing.... to make it look a bit 
different and stand out more, I suggested we make it Blue. He said "that 
  sounds great!"

I make the change... an hour later he calls me up and lights into me 
about how the shade color of blue is all wrong.... it was both laughable 
and pathetic at the same time... this went on and on and on for 20 
minutes... at about the same time I was about to slam down the phone and 
storm into his office, I realized that getting fired or quitting over 
"the color of blue" just wouldn't be the best choice either of us could 

To his credit he later apologized....

Matthew S. Jarvis
IT Manager
Bike Friday - "Performance that Packs."
541/687-0487 x140

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