> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Mike yearwood
> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 7:46 AM
> Subject: RE: Date of executable
> Hi Jeff
> > Ted:  I'm sure what it is.  The word associated with the setup is called
> > virtualization.  They are all terminal servers, but most are physical
> > servers, but a couple of them are "virtual servers".  A virtual terminal
> > server was brought on line with a very old and outdated version of the
> > executable.  When installing the executable on terminal services it
> dates
> > the exe the date and time it is copied to the server and not the date
> and
> > time the exe was built.  The only way to find the culprit is to navigate
> to
> > each terminal server and right click on the executable.  It seems it
> would
> > be easier for me to id the terminal server when something goes wrong.  I
> can
> > work around this going forward, but that doesn't help going back.
> >
> > Mike:  No, that doesn't happen.  Please read my post to Ted.
> Do you mean you want to find a way to ask each copy of the program in
> each virtual machine for the version? I don't have a clue how to go
> about doing that.
> Mike

Mike:  That is what they asked me to do.  "Is there a way to check all of
the terminal servers?"

Here is what I have decided to do:  I have hooks in my application that have
an external class that has a "maintenance" function.  I found out that the
executable will run from the V drive regardless of what server it is on.  So
I will do an AGETFILEVERSION(la, 'V:\MYAPP.EXE') and if it is not the one it
is supposed to be, I will notify the user and close the application.

Thanks for your help.


Jeff Johnson
Fax 623-869-0675 

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