On Jul 14, 2007, at 12:53 AM, Kristyne McDaniel wrote:

> Pete,
>> Fred Thompson's wife the prettiest since Jackie?
>> http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/144288.aspx
> It is only a matter of time until the 'other' photos come out.  
> She's known
> for dressing like a hooker. Not what people usually expect in a  
> first lady.

Apparently it's that or a first lady who's actually a guy who used to  
stick cigars in the crotch of interns and get hummers in the back  
door of the Oval Office when he was President. Not quite what you'd  
expect in either role.

Either way, a break with tradition. I choose the nice looking first  
lady, thank you very much. As a bonus, she comes with the smarter  
president, to boot.


- Bob

> Kristyne McDaniel
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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