On Jul 16, 2007, at 11:00 PM, Ricardo Aráoz wrote:

> Pete Theisen wrote:
>> Everyone is a heartbeat away from this. Should I be killed, or  
>> supported?
> Killed.

It's wishy-washy liberals like Ricardo that make the whole lot seem  
so... indecisive.


BTW Pete for future reference never give a lefty a binary choice  
opportunity between killing or supporting a conservative. You'll find  
out how compassionate they really are REAL FAST. ;)

WRT Derek's indictment of your conservatism, I think anyone in a  
desperate situation is bound to espouse situationally liberal views,  
which on a few matters you clearly do (the whole salary cap and  
security net thing). It's why liberalism is fundamentally wrong- 
headed, even if it is rooted in some perfectly natural and  
explainable human impulses. It's a reaction to the short end of the  
vast indifference of things, which really aren't affected by it let  
alone impressed by it (these things being, well, by definition vastly  

Our individual needs (and, for that matter, our individual failings)  
are very much orthogonal concerns to the machinery of existence,  
which operates according to laws we cannot change but may, by clever  
observance, use them to our advantage. For this we need collectively  
to agree on how to use those laws to our mutual benefit. So in this  
regard government is a necessary and good thing. But invariably  
government starts to get the idea that it can change those laws or  
make them up at will by legislative fiat.... and that's when things  
go downhill in a hurry.

- Bob

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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