On 7/29/07, Whil Hentzen (Pro*) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > 1. Stop using Windows. You're no good at it.
> Sure, blame the USER.....

Microsoft does. Even I can agree with them sometimes...

> I was going to try to get it all done Friday, but I had to go in for an
> MRI, ...

Oh, sure, go for the "pity the cripple" ploy. Bummer. Hope you can
still hobble about, Gramps.

> OK, after waiting a minute or two, both servers show up under the
> Microsoft Network node in My Network Places. And.... now I can right
> click on one of the here-to-fore 'no access' shares, and connect and map
> a drive. Musta been that Simple Sharing thing.

> Mucho gracias....

Glad to help.

> Now.... I really DO need to accelerate the move off these old boxes. But
> what am I going to do with a couple of 36 GB PII servers from 1998?
> Don't think they quite have the horsepower for a 2 TB Myth TV setup. :)

Text-only install of Ubu or Fedora and they'd make fine file servers,
scratch development/staging web servers, subversion repositories,...
lotsa stuff.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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