When did you move to Tuscon?

--- Chet Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Real Goods
> http://www.gaiam.com/realgoods/
> They'll get you ANYTHING you need.
> First thing, estimate the usage.  There may be a
> chart on the Real Goods 
> site.  If not, I can fax or email you a copy...
> Ask them if they REALLY need A/C -- that's a HUGE
> energy hog.  Another 
> expensive item is a regular refrigerator.  DC and
> propane fridges are 
> available but are quite expensive.
> The rest isn't bad.
> Can they do a grid inter-tie?  If they can, they can
> save boucoup 
> bucks.  If they're completely off-grid they'll have
> to spring for 
> batteries and they're quite expensive and high
> maintenance.
> We're lucky here in Tucson.  The local MUNICIPAL
> (NOT private for-profit 
> leach) power company will PAY us good bucks to go
> solar Inter-Tie.  
> About half of the system cost will be covered by our
> Electric Company...
> Have fun.  Good Luck!
> Pete Theisen wrote:
> > Hi Everybody!
> >
> > I have been hired to compile a procurement list of
> low power requirement high 
> > efficiency electrical equipment for a solar panel
> powered survival house. 
> > Those of you who have been reading my posts over
> the years will realize that 
> > this is somewhat new ground for me.
> >
> > The unit will need Air Conditioning, Heat, cooking
> equipment, refrigerator, 
> > TV, Stereo, lighting and, oh, yeah, a computer -
> all powered off of external 
> > solar panels.
> >
> > Anyone know one a few good places to get this
> stuff?
> >   
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