Guess who's getting near to full delivery :-|

Rightly, or perhaps wrongly, I've implemented a system of triggers 
that records every database change in a backup database (I would'a 
caught Ollie North as well!).

The way I've done it is using the insert/update/delete triggers.

Whilst this hasn't been a problem directly it seems to preclude all 
the RI built in to VFP, and now it turns out that Codebook (there's 
hardly anyone over there so I thought I'd raise it here) relies on 
this for deletes!

So, the question, is there a sensible way of "daisy-chaining" (damn, 
spot the ex-hardware engineer) trigger routines?  I s'pose I can 
imagine a way of coding it, but it feels like it would be messy.

Mark Stanton
One small step for mankind...

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