>  I ran into something where the newest
> ODBC driver
> on a varchar field was padding out the characters to the full
> field length.

That is NOT a bug, the target value is padded to match the length of the
field in the target cursor.  I ran into this about 8 or 9 years ago when I
was writing a value from a VFP table into an ODBC connected Access table.
The Access field in question was being used to populate a taxtbox in an
Access form that was Right Justified.  When the VFP field value was passed,
even as an ALLTRIM(cFieldn) with a maximum length of 10 characters, it would
up being over 20 characters long - which was the field width of the target
Access table field in question.  That caused most or all of the field value
to not display in the Access form's one textbox.  I told the developers,
after researching the hell out of this "bug" that there nothing I could do
about the problem, and they needed to trim all leading & trailing spaces
from the Access field value before rpesenting it in their form.

They bitched, goroused and complained.  But finally they were convinced that
I was correct, and I was not about to rewrite my code in Access (the VFP
code processed far faster than the access code, I proved that in front of
their on-site programmer/installer - blew his mind).  Once they corrected
their form behavior with trimming all textbox values things went well.

As I understand it the character fields are padded within ODBC to allow for
faster internal data handling with "fixed length" character fields, as
opposed to variable length character fields.  Makes sense to me, but it is a
shame the behavior can't be altered to get a trimmed result.  I never did
try to run a PADL() or PADR() with widened VFP fields to help overcome the
"problem".  I thought of that a while after having the one development
company alter their form <g>...  They should have been trimming their field
values anyway!  heh-heh...  Of course, the field I was dealing with was used
in a relational link with other VFP table, so I would have had to alter
several of my VFP tables.  It was easier for me to have those folks change
their form, and with the attitude they had copped from the outset when they
heard I was going to use VFP and ODBC to write to their precious Access
tables they just deserved to be screwed with a little anyway <g>.  Turns out
when their field programmer/installer saw how fast I could run a conversion
(less than 2 minutes) on an Access table through ODBC, as opposed to how
long it took him (over 40 minutes), he was a believer.  Oh, my 2 minutes
included the time to set up my code AND run it.  In his case he already has
his code set up as a utility!  We were both running the conversion over the
same LAN from the same client PC, and the process involved replacing every
"-" in a PartNumber field with "*", except if the last non-space character
is a "-".  In that case the trailing "-" was to be stripped.  Also all
nested ["] characters were to be converted to "inch" to prevent CSV output
ambiguities.  Real simple stuff that xBase does real well.  I remember this
guy's reaction to the blazing VFP processing speed as though it were

Anyway, my two cents.  Perhaps someone knows of a newer ODBC flavor that
allows a person to determine the leading or trailing position of any ODBC
padding done.  Otherwise you could try altering the Source table field(s) to
PADR() or PADL() to better manage the padding behavior.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Brian Erickson
> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 11:53 PM
> Subject: RE: Help confirm a MySQL ODBC bug
> That is not unbelievable.  I ran into something where the newest
> ODBC driver
> on a varchar field was padding out the characters to the full
> field length.
> I will look into this in the morning.
> Brian Erickson
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Steve Ellenoff
> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 7:28 PM
> Subject: Help confirm a MySQL ODBC bug
> Can some of you who have access to MySQL run the following code
> (below) and post back your results, along with your version of the
> ODBC driver (including sub revision #) & MySQL Engine.
> This program should demonstrate a bug I've been seeing. I'm looking
> to collect more data on this problem so I've put together this test
> program to make a more scientific examination of the problem, since
> other people here have reported not having the issue.
> Please remember to change the parameters at the top of prg to match
> your MySQL installation.
> Thanks for your help in advance.
> Steve
> ******************************************************************
> **********
> ******************************************************************
> **********
> ****************************
> ** MySQL ODBC Bug with VFP?
> **
> ** Run this program once you've changed the setup parameters below
> appropriately. The proper results should show that
> ** all 3 text fields t,mt,lt of type text, mediumtext, and longtext
> respectively are reported by VFP as MEMO fields.
> ** The bug I'm seeing with newer versions of the 3.51 ODBC Driver is
> that LONGTEXT are coming back as C(255) fields.
> ** The program will cleanup the test table it creates (provided your
> login has security rights for create & drop table).
> LOCAL loSPT, lcExec, lcDriver, lcServer, lcUserId, lcPassword,
> lcCStr, lcDatabase, lcTable, lcDTString
> ******************************************
> ** Change these to meet your situation **
> lcDriver = "MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver"
> lcServer = ""
> lcUserId = "root"
> lcPassword = "rootpw"
> lcDatabase = "test"
> lcTable = "mysqlbug"
> ******************************************
> lcCStr =
> "DRIVER="+lcDriver+";SERVER="+lcServer+";DATABASE=test;UID="+lcUse
> rID+";PWD=
> "+lcPassword
> ?lcCStr
> lcDTString = lcDatabase + "." + lcTable
> ?lcDTString
> ?
> *Create class to handle SPT
>       *Create Table
>               CREATE TABLE `<<lcDatabase>>`.`<<lcTable>>` (
>               `t` TEXT NOT NULL ,
>               `mt` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL,
>               `lt` LONGTEXT NOT NULL ,
>               PRIMARY KEY(`id`)
>               )
>               ENGINE = InnoDB;
>       ENDTEXT
>       ?lcExec
>       IF loSPT.Execute(lcExec) > 0
>               *Return columns
>               IF SQLCOLUMNS(loSPT.nHandle,lcDTString) > 0
>                       BROWSE
>               ENDIF
>               *Drop the table
>               lcExec = "DROP TABLE " + lcDTString
>               =loSPT.Execute(lcExec)
>       ENDIF
>       nHandle = -1
>       cConnStr = ""
>       nExecTimeSecs = 0
>       FUNCTION Init
>       LPARAMETERS tcConnStr,tlNoAutoConnect
>               THIS.cConnStr = tcConnStr
>               IF !tlNoAutoConnect
>                       RETURN THIS.Connect()
>               ENDIF
>       ENDFUNC
>       FUNCTION Destroy
>               THIS.Disconnect()
>       ENDFUNC
>       FUNCTION Connect
>               IF !EMPTY(THIS.cConnStr)
>                       THIS.nHandle = SQLSTRINGCONNECT(THIS.cConnStr)
>                       IF THIS.nHandle < 0
>                               THIS.LogError(THIS.nHandle)
>                       ENDIF
>               ENDIF
>       ENDFUNC
>       FUNCTION Disconnect
>               LOCAL lnResult
>               IF THIS.nHandle > 0
>                       lnResult=SQLDISCONNECT(THIS.nHandle)
>                       IF lnResult < 0
>                               THIS.LogError(lnResult)
>                       ENDIF
>               ENDIF
>       ENDFUNC
>       FUNCTION GetLastExecTime
>               RETURN THIS.nExecTimeSecs
>       ENDFUNC
>       FUNCTION Execute
>       LPARAMETERS tcCmd, tcAlias
>               LOCAL lnSecs, lnResult
>               lnSecs = 0
>               IF THIS.nHandle > 0 AND !EMPTY(tcCmd)
>                       lnSecs = SECONDS()
>                       IF VARTYPE(tcAlias)="C"
>                               lnResult =
> SQLEXEC(THIS.nHandle,tcCmd,tcAlias)
>                       ELSE
>                               lnResult = SQLEXEC(THIS.nHandle,tcCmd)
>                       ENDIF
>                       lnSecs = SECONDS() - lnSecs
>                       THIS.nExecTimeSecs = lnSecs
>                       IF lnResult < 0
>                               THIS.LogError(lnResult)
>                       ENDIF
>               ENDIF
>               RETURN lnResult
>       ENDFUNC
>       FUNCTION LogError
>       LPARAMETERS tnResult
>               LOCAL ARRAY laError[1]
>               AERROR(laError)
>               MESSAGEBOX(laError[2],16,"Error " + TRANSFORM(laError[5]))
>       ENDFUNC
> ENDDEFINE*********************************
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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