>> There seems to be some neat bits there but very sadly lacking in how to use 
>> them.
Im looking at two items. The desktop alerts and the outlook bar. Both look
useful but there seems not much other than the downloads there. Also the
forum, such as it is, is in disarray. There seems no order and all projects
are thrown in the same bowl.<<

Sadly lacking, hardly Al. Both the Desktop Alert and the OutlookBar (and most 
of the other projects)
have plenty of examples and the Desktop Alerts has a complete white paper 
detailing how to use them.
The white paper is available on the VFPX site:


The OutlookBar download comes with a work-in-progress HTML Help file, and 
honestly is simple to use.


Please note that all the work here is done on your behalf for free, based on 
the developers "free
time" as are most open source projects. Better yet, if you think things are 
lacking, volunteer to
help out. The entire site is a Wiki and like all Wikis, is completely open to 
your contributions.

If you are so inclined, come out to Southwest Fox 2007. Several of the project 
authors and all the
VFPX admins will be there. I am very confident that each is willing to chat 
about their projects and
contributions, and are open to your ideas on how they can be improved. I am 
also giving a session on
VFPX and show you how easy it is to implement several of the ongoing projects.

White Light Computing, Inc.


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