Rick Schummer wrote:
>>> I also don't like the fact that the VCXs get bloat, whereas the benefit of 
>>> the SCXs is that they
> don't bloat.<<
> Both VCXs and SCX suffer from DBF bloat during normal development since both 
> store properties and
> code in memos. Once you do a Rebuild ALL, VFP will PACK them as they are 
> compiled. You can also PACK
> both with the Class Browser, or write a simple program to do the same.
> Or are you referring to some other kind of bloat?

I thought that you had to occasionally pack the VCXs but not the SCXs.  
The VCXs kept the deleted records but the SCX purged them upon saving 
every time.  I admit I didn't delve into this to prove it, but was going 
on recollections of the past.  ??    I like to use the VCXs to store 
objects that I'll use in the SCXs.  ymmv.

Michael J. Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
"Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!"

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