We've been using VFP with automation to create an Excel file which is then
emailed as an attachment to a group out of state, for several years.

All of a sudden they are no longer able to receive the emails.

Their IT department states that due to the "embedded code" the emails are
being "dumped".

Does automation embed code?

Here is the program code:

wait "Please be patient, running data to Excel" window at 25, 50 nowait
with thisform.stcnthip
        if .sttxtfhip.value <> " "
                mfhip = .sttxtfhip.value
                mlhip = .sttxtlhip.value
                mhips = " stnhorse.hip_no >= mfhip and stnhorse.hip_no <=
mlhip "
                mhips = " (stnhorse.HIP_NO <> ' ' OR  STNHORSE.HIP_NO = ' ')
        if .stcmbcons.value = " "
                mcons = " (stnhorse.cons_no <> ' ' OR STNHORSE.CONS_NO = '
') "
                mcons = " stnhorse.cons_no = .Stcmbcons.value "
        if .Stchkallmixed.value = 0
                with .stcmbtype
                        do case
                        case .value = " "
                                mtype = " type_horse <> ' ' "
                        case .value = "S"
                                mtype = " type_horse = 'S' "
                        case .value = "Y"
                                mtype = " type_horse = 'Y' "
                        case .value = "W"
                                mtype = " type_horse = 'W' "
                        case .value = "R"
                                mtype = " type_horse = 'R' "
                        case .value = "B"
                                mtype = " type_horse = 'B' "
                                mtype = " type_horse <> ' ' "
                mtype = " type_horse <> 'Y' "
        select ;
                PADR(chrtran(dam1, " '-", ""),25," ") as nameord, ;
                ARR_NO, ;
                type_horse, ;
                val(stnhorse.hip_no) as hip_no, ;
                proper(stnhorse.name) as name, ;
                tattoo, ;
                lower(stnhorse.color) as color, ;
                iif(stnhorse.sex = "H","c",iif(stnhorse.sex =
"M","f",lower(stnhorse.sex))) as sex,  ;
                lower(stnhorse.gait) as gait, ;
                iif(date_foal <> {}, dtoc(date_foal),dtoc({})) as date_foal,
                proper(stnhorse.sire1) as sire1, ;
                proper(stnhorse.dam1) as dam1, ;
                proper(stnhorse.sire2) as sire2, ;
                proper(bred_to) as bred_to, ;
                iif(last_bred <> {}, dtoc(last_bred),dtoc({})) as last_bred,
                preg_bar, ;
                maiden, ;
                stnhorse.cons_no as cons_no, ;
                iif(stnconsi.fname<>" ",trim(stnconsi.fname) + " " + ;
                trim(stnconsi.lname),trim(stnconsi.lname)) as consignor,  ;
                alltrim(stnconsi.city) + ", " + alltrim(stnconsi.state) as
citystate, ;
                HBSTB as stable, ;
                hbrw as row, ;
                hbstl as stall, ;
                sire_state, ;
                stnhorse.sbfname, ;
                stnhorse.sblname, ;
                stnhorse.sb_city, ;
                stnhorse.sb_st, ;
                stnhorse.sb_country, ;
iif(stnhorse.amount>0,transform(stnhorse.amount,"9,999,999"),"OUT      ") as
amount, ;
                day ;
                from ;
                stnhorse ;
                left join stnconsi on stnhorse.cons_no = stnconsi.cons_no ;
                where ;
                &mcons ;
                and ;
                &mhips ;
                and ;
                &mtype ;
                order by ;
                nameord ;
                into cursor SYS(2015)
*!*     mnumb = 1
*!*     mstart = 'L'
*!*     seek mstart
*!*     scan
*!*             replace stord with mnumb
*!*             mnumb = mnumb + 1
*!*     endscan
        oexcel = createobject("excel.application")
        obook = oexcel.workbooks.add()
        orange = oexcel.activesheet.range("a1:p1")
        with oexcel.activesheet
                .range("a1").value = "Type"
                .range("b1").value = "Hip No."
                .range("c1").value = "Name"
                .range("d1").value = "Tattoo"
                .range("e1").value = "Color"
                .range("f1").value = "Sex"
                .range("g1").value = "Gait"
                .range("h1").value = "Date Foal"
                .range("i1").value = "Sire"
                .range("j1").value = "Dam"
                .range("k1").value = "By"
                .range("l1").value = "Bred To"
                .range("m1").value = "Last Bred"
                .range("n1").value = "P/B"
                .range("o1").value = "Maiden"
                .range("p1").value = "Cons#"
                .range("q1").value = "Consignor"
                .range("r1").value = "City/State"
                .range("s1").value = "Arrival#"
                .range("t1").value = "Stb/Barn"
                .range("u1").value = "Row"
                .range("v1").value = "Stall"
                .range("w1").value = "Sire State"
                .range("X1").value = "Sign By First"
                .range("Y1").value = "Sign By Last"
                .range("Z1").value = "City"
                .range("AA1").value = "State"
                .range("AB1").value = "Country"
                .range("AC1").value = "Amount"
                .range("AD1").value = "Day"
                .range("AE1").value = "Name Order"
                orange = orange.offset(1,0)
                        with orange
                                .columns[1].value = type_horse
                                .columns[2].value = hip_no
                                .columns[3].value = name
                                .columns[4].value = tattoo
                                .columns[5].value = color
                                .columns[6].value = sex
                                .columns[7].value = gait
                                .columns[8].value = date_foal
                                .columns[9].value = sire1
                                .columns[10].value = dam1
                                .columns[11].value = sire2
                                .columns[12].value = bred_to
                                .columns[13].value = last_bred
                                .columns[14].value = preg_bar
                                .columns[15].value = maiden
                                .columns[16].value = cons_no
                                .columns[17].value = consignor
                                .columns[18].value = citystate
                                .columns[19].value = ARR_NO
                                .columns[20].value = stable
                                .columns[21].value = row
                                .columns[22].value = stall
                                .columns[23].value = sire_state
                                .columns[24].value = sbfname
                                .columns[25].value = sblname
                                .columns[26].value = sb_city
                                .columns[27].value = sb_st
                                .columns[28].value = sb_country
                                .columns[29].value = amount
                                .columns[30].value = day
                                .columns[31].value = nameord
                        orange = orange.offset(1,0)
                with oexcel.activesheet
                        .columns[1].columnwidth = 5
                        .columns[2].columnwidth = 6.5
                        .columns[3].columnwidth = 20
                        .columns[4].columnwidth = 8.5
                        .columns[5].columnwidth = 3.5
                        .columns[6].columnwidth = 3.5
                        .columns[7].columnwidth = 3.5
                        .columns[8].columnwidth = 8.5
                        .columns[9].columnwidth = 20
                        .columns[10].columnwidth = 20
                        .columns[11].columnwidth = 20
                        .columns[12].columnwidth = 20
                        .columns[13].columnwidth = 8.5
                        .columns[14].columnwidth = 3.5
                        .columns[15].columnwidth = 3.5
                        .columns[16].columnwidth = 7
                        .columns[17].columnwidth = 35
                        .columns[18].columnwidth = 35
                        .columns[19].columnwidth = 6.5
                        .columns[20].columnwidth = 7
                        .columns[21].columnwidth = 7
                        .columns[22].columnwidth = 7
                        .columns[23].columnwidth = 12
                        .columns[24].columnwidth = 35
                        .columns[25].columnwidth = 35
                        .columns[26].columnwidth = 35
                        .columns[27].columnwidth = 10
                        .columns[28].columnwidth = 35
                        .columns[29].columnwidth = 10
                        .columns[30].columnwidth = 3.5
                        .columns[31].columnwidth = 20
        .stcmbtype.value = " "
        .stcmbcons.value = " "
        .sttxtfhip.value = " "
        .sttxtlhip.value = " "
        .Stchkallmixed.value = 0
        wait clear
        oexcel.visible = .t.
James E Harvey
Hanover Shoe Farms, Inc.
M.I.S./Corresponding Officer
Off: 717-637-8931
fax: 717-637-6766

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** All postings, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are the opinions of the 
author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

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