Man-wai Chang wrote:
>>> The guy in the phone said they not intended to be bought by hobbyists,
>>> but real shops that sells PC hardware. The SB version must be sold with
>>> a fully bootable PC. The items listed in the invoice must be a bootable PC.
>> Does an old 286 running DOS qualify?
> It's qualified, but you need a real shop to grant you a license,
> producing an invoice that list all the parts of a bootable PC and the
> OEM Vi$ta/XP. You, as an individual, would not be listened by Micro$oft.
> Do you have time to phone Micro$oft US and get your side of the story?

AND after getting the XP/Vi$ta, you are supposed to install it to that
286, be you succeed or not. You don't put it in another PC. Honesty,
Your Honor!

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