Rick Schummer wrote:
>>> Some of you guys here could be next....if you stopped this obsessive 
> pro-open-source talk.  <gd&rvvf> <<
> That has absolutely nothing to do with it, it only has to do with the 
> positive impact on the Fox
> Community. Just ask Whil <g>.

C'mon Rick...you should know that I was kidding...of course it has 
nothing to do with it.  Although, I'd be wondering if Whil would have 
received the award if the things that occurred after his receipt of it 
had transpired first.  Don't read me wrong:  I think he deserved it 
regardless, but I really wonder if M$ would bestow it on someone who was 
outspoken like Whil was after the fact.  Case in point:  TR.  He's 
extremely helpful over the years...akin to Tamar for sure, but I don't 
think M$ would award it to him due to his outspokenness (sp?) against 
the Borg empire.

Michael J. Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
"Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!"

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