On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 3:47 PM, Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thats my take too. There is  plenty of free help available without paying
>  for what is after all members of the foxpro community writing. Its one thing
>  getting one of whil's books but I would rather opt for helping and getting
>  help here on Profox. I dont believe it will attract any new VFP users
>  otherwise I might buy but its not likely.

Well, you make money by investing your money, in resources, tools and
people. In their heyday, I subscribed to FoxPro Advisor, FoxTalk and
every other magazine out there. I attended every conference I could
manage and every user group meeting I could attend. In every case, I
would learn something I could turn around and apply to my business and
make back my investments. Sometimes it was a job opportunity I heard
in a hallway, sometimes it was a new product's advertisement,
sometimes a trick or tip or feature I wasn't aware of.

Now, that requires a business that needs that kind of innovation and
new code and techniques, it needs the opportunity to use them, and it
requires that you learn from your tools; if the FoxTalks get piled up
in the corner unread, they're pretty unlikely to pay for themselves.

While I'm not doing a lot of new work in Fox these days, picking up a
copy of FoxRocksX lets me find out what the editors and authors think
are the most interesting advancements in the computing industry today,
hand-selected by people whose opinion I respect. Sure, you can find
the topics on Google, too, but it's all noise and low signal. But for
that editorial function alone, an investment of $99 (USD - that's like
$4,000 Candian or Euro!) is a low-risk, potentially high-reward

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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