On Tuesday, April 08, 2008 9:49 AM Richard Kaye wrote:

>BTW I'd consider using ASSERTS instead of SET STEP ON. Avoids that
annoying feature not available message in your runtime applications.

>ASSERT .f. MESSAGE [I'm debugging now...]  SET CLASSLIB TO
someclass.vcx ADDITIVE  oDLL = CreateObject('someclass')
> oDLL.start('someDNS')

The feature not available error does not happen after VFP7 (I am pretty
sure that is the version...).  Also, since this job, I have been using a
calling program that starts the debugging. So, I am not putting a SET
STEP ON in the app.

Although Asserts are a good thing to practice as they are used in .NET
testing as well...

David L. Crooks

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