> Michael Madigan wrote:
>> Well a client of mine has gotten a nasty bit of
>> ad-ware that pops up "you're computer is infected"
>> over and over again and points him to a website. 

>> What is everyone using?  I just want to block porno
>> sites for now.  I want it to be easy and not bog down
>> the system.

Let me humbly suggest that the healthy desire for porn sites isn't the 
root of the problem. The root of the problem is lack of user education. 
Tell him about http://youporn.com, and warn him not to click on any of 
the advertising links.

Then tell him to do this using Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet 
Explorer. Then install VMWare workstation (free download) and put a 
Linux distro in it. Tell him to run that when looking for porn. If he 
does come against a bad site, it most likely won't infect his Linux 
guest because it was certainly written to affect Windows, and it won't 
affect Windows because it has no access to it.

Or, make him a live cd that he can boot up and browse porn sites to his 
content, with no fear that his hard drive can become infected with 
adware, spyware, or other nasties.

Make sure you give him a roll of paper towels, toilet paper, or at least 
some coffee filters to go along with the porn-safe package.



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