Hmmm, that is quite a leap from a statement about not caring about 
whether the opinions of an individual who died 68 years ago are right or 
not to being uncaring about people dying.  But then again, it would seem 
that you want to ignore the results that would have been inevitable 
should the US not have used their military might in the past.  Keep in 
mind that that statement is meant to encompass the entirety of military 
actions and not be construed to be limited to the current action still 

Delusion may be the word of the day but it would appear that it is being 
misapplied, in this case anyhow.


Helio Wakasugui wrote:
> Of course you don't care. You don't care and don't want to know about
> the many people who were killed in the name of commercial US interests
> abroad.
> It's f*cking unbelievable you guys are so deluded about yourselves.
> HW
> On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 12:18 AM, Michael Oke, II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Possible but not necessarily the truth.
>> You are pointing out a single individual that held a belief over 60
>> years ago.  Was he right?  No idea and, frankly, I don't much care.  He
>> served his country admirably and for that I give him my thanks.  What he
>> chose to speak about after he retired from the military was his business
>> and, thankfully and partially due to what he accomplished during his
>> military service, perfectly acceptable in this country.  His speeches
>> were presented to pacifist groups and why would that be?  Perhaps
>> because they welcomed what he had to say?  If you have a better reason,
>> then by all means, let me know.
>> And I'm unsure just who you are referring to by "illuded conservative
>> religious chicken-hawks", certainly not myself but I guess that I could
>> be mistaken about that.
>> ::michael
>> Helio Wakasugui wrote:
>>> Yes, but this is not the case. You didn't comment because you have
>>> nothing to say.
>>> Again:
>>> I'm starting to think that iIluded conservative religious
>>> chicken-hawks are more stupid than marxists.
>>> HW
>>> On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 6:54 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> The iluded chicken-hawks of this didn't make any comment... LOL
>>>> Some things are just too stupid to comment on.  Happy?  ;-)
>>>> --
>>>> Larry Miller
>>>> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
>>>> multipart/mixed
>>>>  text/plain (text body -- kept)
>>>>  message/rfc822
>>>> ---
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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