Thanks, that's a good idea.  

--- On Tue, 8/19/08, Kevin Cully <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Kevin Cully <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [NF] Touchpad problems
Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 8:42 PM

Try booting with a LiveCD of some Linux distro and see if the behavior
is still there.  If it is, it might be a hardware issue.  If it isn't
then ...

CULLY Technologies, LLC

Michael Madigan wrote:
> All of a sudden my Alps touchpad on my Dell Inspiron 9200 is acting
flakey.  It acts like there is some cpu-intensive program running in the
background, but there isn't.  The CPU shows low use.  The event log
doesn't show any errors either.
> As I move the mouse, it moves in a herky-jerky manner.  I've tried
updating the driver, setting the driver settings back to default, and closing
other background processes.
> Rebooting fixes the problems most of the time, but not always.
> Does anyone know if there were some windows updates that are affecting the
Alps touchpads?  I can't seem to see anything on Google about this.
> I'm assuming it's software, because it works fine when it works. 
It's almost as if some software is stepping on it, but I've run spyware
programs on the system and there are no known problems.  
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