The 20 Most Obnoxious Anti-Palin Quotes So Far 
Has there ever been a vice-presidential nominee who has inspired as much 
hatred, fear, and outright sexism as Sarah Palin has in such a short period of 
time? Keep in mind that quotes about Sarah Palin and her family you are about 
to read -- many of which are from members of the mainstream media -- have been 
generated in a mere 3 weeks time. If I missed any, forgive me. I'm not entirely 
sure it's possible for any one human being to keep up with the amount of bile 
that's being spewed at Sarah Palin and her family right now by the netroots, 
liberal celebs, and the mainstream media.

Honorable Mention: "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. You 
can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change,' it's still going to 
stink. After eight years, we've had enough of the same old thing. It's time to 
bring about real change to Washington and that's the choice you've got in this 
election." -- Barack Obama with a quip his audience -- and many others -- 
thought was aimed at Palin. He denies that he was referring to Palin as a pig.

20) "What is the difference between Palin and a Muslim fundamentalist? 
Lipstick." -- Juan Cole at Salon

19) "Is our country so divided that the Republicans best hope is a narrow 
minded, media obsessed homophobe? 

...Women have come a long way in the fight to have the choice over what we do 
with our bodies... And its frightening to see that a woman in 2008 would negate 
all of that.
Oh, and...Hint Hint Pali Pal- Don't pose for anymore tabloid covers, you're not 
a celebrity, you're running for office to represent our, your, my COUNTRY!
And in the words of Pamela Anderson, "She can suck it".." -- Lindsay Lohan

18) (John McCain has chosen a running mate) "whose primary qualification seems 
to be that she hasn't had an abortion." -- South Carolina Democratic chairwoman 
Carol Fowler

17) "With Sarah Palin, America has taken one very large leap toward a 
completely theocratic politics." -- Andrew Sullivan, The Atlantic

16) "They are true believers in the idea that one can be very sexy but also 
desexualized, which is why Palin is being treated like this giant sex object, 
because she's got a practiced ability at being f*ckable without showing that 
she might be the sort who wants to f*ck." -- Former John Edwards's blogger 
Amanda Marcotte from Pandagon 

15) "If the media reaction is anything, it's been literally laughter in many 
places across newsrooms." -- Eleanor Clift, the McLaughlin Group

14) "Sarah Palin may be a lady, but she ain't no woman. I confess, it was 
pretty riveting when John McCain trotted out Sarah Palin for the first time. 
Like many people, I thought, "D*mn, a hyperconservative, f*ckable, Type A, 
antiabortion, Christian Stepford wife in a 'sexy librarian' costume -- as a 
vice president? That's a brilliant stroke of horrifyingly cynical pandering to 
the Christian right. Karl Rove must be behind it." -- Cintra Wilson, Salon

13) "Bad Mother Palin is blabbing about how her pregnant teenage daughter has 
made the right CHOICE!!! Well, first of all, Ms. Palin, I mean MRS. Palin, your 
slutty daughter wouldn't have a CHOICE to make at all, if you had your way!!! 
...I can see that she gets off talking badly to Barack, and I am sure the "N" 
word is rollin around that empty head of hers somewhere." -- Roseanne Barr

12) "Some working mothers worry that Palin is taking on too much" And "Some 
voters concerned if Palin, a mother of five has time to be VP." -- Tickers on 

11) "If I were writing a letter to Sarah Palin it would be a lot of whys and 
hows. Who are you? Do you know? Why do you hate animals? Please point out Iraq 
on a map." -- Pink

10) "They shouldn't have the right to call themselves Christian, for they have 
no Christ-like attributes. I am a feminist and a Christian - and when I see 
Sarah Palin - I see neither. And it is official. She is evil." -- Margaret Cho

9) "But really, what kind of role model is a woman whose fifth child was 
recently born with a serious issue, Down Syndrome, and then goes back to the 
job of Governor within days of the birth?" -- Dr Laura Schlessinger

8) "It's like a really bad Disney movie. The hockey mom, you know, 'oh, I'm 
just a hockey mom'... and she's facing down President Putin... It's totally 
absurd... it's a really terrifying possibility. .. I need to know if she really 
think that dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago. I want to know that, I really 
do. Because she's gonna have the nuclear codes." -- Matt Damon

7) "She's the woman who shows up at the kid's birthday party and starts opining 
about everything from politics to lawn care. This is the woman that knows it 
all. Will shout you down, will get revenge on you. That's who she is. 

She's friends with all the teenage boys. You have to say no when your kids say, 
'can we sleep over at the Palin's? No! NO!'" -- Randi Rhodes

6) "Her greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman." -- Wendy 
Doniger at the Washington Post

5) "Kristan, we've talked this morning about whether a mother of five can 
handle being the vice president. who looks after the kids when she's working? 
Do you know?" - CBS' Maggie Rodriguez on the "Early Show

4) "A few years ago, CBS gave serious consideration to a reality series called 
The Real Beverly Hillbillies. The idea was to "transplant genuine Appalachian 
natives into the world of Los Angeles glitz and glamour." It never happened. 
But now it has, with a twist - Alaskan hillbillies have been transplanted into 
the world of Washington politics." -- John Doyle at the Globe and Mail

3) "The Bible says to whom much is given much is required and it comes out of 
that tradition. So it was insulting to see both, you know, (Sarah Palin) as 
well as Mayor Giuliani criticize people. There's some on the Internet now that 
Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor. And perhaps 
they should understand the role of a community organizer, do help people in 
distress." -- Donna Brazille On CNN's Situation Room

2) "Sarah, I'm calling you a liar. And not even a good one. Trig Paxson Van 
Palin is not your son. He is your grandson. The sooner you come forward with 
this revelation to the public, the better." -- Daily Kos diarist ArcXIX

1) "The broader question if Sarah Palin becomes vice president, will she be 
shortchanging her kids or will she be shortchanging the country?" -- NBC 
correspondent Amy Robach

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