Bob Calco wrote:

Hi Bob!

Why do I have this nagging suspicion that Bernanke and Paulson have a 
generous portion of that $700 billion earmarked for themselves and/or 
their cronies?

> Also don't forget that Obama is #2 in the Senate in terms of contributions
> from Fannie Mae employees.
> Sen. Dodd (another guy with his paws all over this financial crisis who
> magically evades all media scrutiny) is #1 having received over the course
> of his 20+ year career over $128K in contributions from Fannie Mae.
> In Obama's brief 2 year career he's received a whopping $105K. Wonder if it
> has anything to do with these 3 gentlemen being executives there?
> Now these bosses at Fannae Mae are deeply involved in his campaign. And
> they're at the heart of this crisis. NYT tried to play interference by
> printing the "expose" on the McCain aide who once worked for a company that
> received consulting fees from Fannae Mae, as if that somehow tied McCain to
> the corruption there--not mentioning the deep connections of Obama's aides
> or his status as #2 receiver of Fannae Mae campaign $$$.
> The NYT has basically given up all objectivity and become a PR wing of the
> Obama campaign. It's staggering.
> Ah, yes, that's change we can believe in. 
> Change like they had recently in Caracas and Moscow.
> - Bob
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Behalf Of Pete Theisen
>> Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 11:21 PM
>> To: ProFox Email List
>> Subject: Re: [OT] Just in from the chat mail
>> Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
>>> It seems to me that the accounting firm that audited the financial
>>> statements of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac  could be in a heap of
>> trouble.
>> Hi Leland!
>> Other documents suggest that audits were never done, at the insistence
>> of the people who we are looking at now. Here's a couple related links:
>> The important question is that these same men are now working in the
>> Obama campaign. Did he not check their background or is their
>> background
>> what makes them interesting to him?
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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