McCAin is better for multiple reasons.

He is a Christian not a Muslim
He Loves America
His Wife Loves America
He doesn't hate Whitey
He doesn't have terrorist friends
He doesn't have racist friends
He's a war hero
He's never belonged to a Communist organization
He's never worshshipped in a Mosque
He was born in America
He has a stake in a strong America
He won't negotiate with terrorists

On Wednesday, November 5th, Vote for Barack Obama

Right Wing Mike

--- On Fri, 10/10/08, Kevin S. Goff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Kevin S. Goff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [OT] The Unmasking of Senator Obama
> To: "'ProFox Email List'" <>
> Date: Friday, October 10, 2008, 1:45 PM
> Bob, I agree with every single word you've said.
> Obama is a wimp and a danger at the same time.  Never in a
> million years
> would I vote for him.
> Now...a question - aside from being a war hero (certainly a
> GREAT thing) -
> what makes Mr. McCain any different?  Yes, he would stand
> up to our enemies
> - but that does little to help our huge domestic issues. 
> So what makes Mr.
> McCain better???
> KG
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Calco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 12:41 PM
> To: 'ProFox Email List'
> Subject: [OT] The Unmasking of Senator Obama
> - - -
> Here's an example of how Mr. Obama reveals his pathetic
> inability to do
> anything but give speeches and the like. During the debate,
> Sen. John McCain
> indicated how he had fought for legislation to subject
> Fannie Mae and
> Freddie Mac to tough regulation. If enacted, what Mr.
> McCain backed could
> have prevented the current financial crisis. The needed
> reforms were opposed
> by the Democrats, and in his usual stance, Mr. Obama was on
> the sidelines.
> He didn't even have a pretty speech.
> Then Mr. Obama was asked what he had done and would do. He
> said, "We've got
> a subprime lending crisis that had to be dealt with."
> Then he said that
> years ago he sounded a warning: "I wrote to Secretary
> Paulson, I wrote to
> Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, and told them this is
> something we have
> to deal with, and nobody did anything about it."
> Why didn't Mr. Obama do something about it by
> introducing legislation and
> getting regulatory reforms on the books? Instead, he passed
> the buck and
> wrote two letters. Anyone could write letters. He was
> elected to the Senate
> to identify problems and enact legislation to solve those
> problems. But Mr.
> Obama must have been too busy giving his pretty speeches so
> he did nothing.
> He wrote two letters, and waited for Secretary Henry
> Paulson and Chairman
> Ben Bernanke to act. He assumed no responsibility and took
> no initiative.
> I haven't heard anyone comment on it, but Mr. Obama
> revealed in this brief
> answer why in his career he has never accomplished anything
> of note. He
> gives speeches and writes letter. Then he leaves the
> problem for someone
> else to solve. This is reminiscent of his behavior during
> the Congressional
> battle over bailout legislation. He said, "If you need
> me call; I've got a
> telephone." This is also reminiscent of his voting
> record in the Illinois
> legislature, where he voted present 130 times. That's a
> vote that is neither
> yes or no, but is "I'm sitting on the fence, and
> don't want to take a stand.
> Yes, I'm a political wimp." As Rudy Giuliani so
> well pointed out, in the
> White House there is no such thing as a present vote.
> One more example. Mr. Obama ran for the U.S. Senate on the
> platform of a tax
> cut for the middle class. But when he got to the Senate he
> never bothered to
> introduce a bill to get a middle class tax cut into law. He
> thinks giving a
> speech is enough to bring about the "change" and
> "hope" and "new politics"
> he advocates. That's why it is clear he is all hat and
> not cattle. He is an
> empty suit. He is an eloquent windbag.
> He gives speeches, but he avoids specifics. In two debates,
> he was asked in
> view of the spending problems created by the bailout, what
> programs would he
> cut. In the first debate, he named none, and actually went
> into a list of
> programs he marks for higher spending. In the second
> debate, he again named
> no program, but made some sort of comment about going over
> the budget line
> by line. He is a politician of glittering generalities but
> when it comes to
> specifics the lights go out.
> At a time of unprecedented crises on both the foreign and
> domestic front, we
> can't take a chance on Mr. Obama. He has demonstrated
> bad judgment but no
> accomplishments. He is mired in associations with
> terrorists, bigots,
> racists and anti-Americans. He seems to have no principles
> and he soon
> abandons any he might have when expedient to do so. An
> examination of his
> record indicates he could only bring disaster to the nation
> and the free
> world.
> - - -
> - Bob
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