Michael Madigan wrote:
> Committed Christian?  He was born in Kenya to an Alcoholic Muslim, then he 
> was adopted by an Indonesian Muslim, then he joined a "Christian" church 
> headed by Rev Wright?
> Christian?
> Do you know any Christian pastors that jump around on stage like Steve Balmer 
> yelling "GOD DAMN AMERICA"

Do you really believe that Senator Obama and Reverend Wright are not 
Christian?  If so, you're broken beyond repair.  I'm sure Reverend 
Wright is not the only Christian that has ever had a beef over USA 
government policy, IRS policy, Presidential or congressional  policy, or 
Supreme Court decisions, but that doesn't mean Senator Obama or Reverend 
Wright  hate God and Country.  LOL

Reverend Wright made a remark to emphasize a point in his Christian 
sermon, and the Republicans took the comment out of Reverend Wright's 
intended meaning and assigned negative motives to the comments.  Then, 
the comments were linked to Senator Obama by association, as Senator 
Obama was a member of Reverend Wright's congregation.  All of this was 
done to advance a political advantage in the presidential elections.  
The distortion of Reverend Wright's remark harmed Reverend Wright and 
Senator Obama; two men innocent of the accusations being made by 
accusers who acted as judge, jury, and executioner.

You should understand better than anyone the premise here, as you 
protest the loudest in denouncing God, Country, and Government when 
things don't go exactly as you think they should.

Being able to express ourselves, even when its a minority opinion, is 
part of the America way, but those who knowingly, falsely accuse an 
opposing party candidate to gain advantage politically is acting in an 
Anti-america way.



> He's a Christian like I'm an Atheist.
> ************************************************* 
> Barack Obama Antichrist gear
> http://www.cafepress.com/rightwingmike
> --- On Mon, 10/20/08, Leland F. Jackson, CPA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> From: Leland F. Jackson, CPA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: [OT] US Congresswoman Questions Liberals as Anti American
>> To: "ProFox Email List" <profox@leafe.com>
>> Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 2:21 PM
>> Will the FUD never end?
>> #--------------------------------
>> The Truth About Barack's Faith
>> Barack Obama is a committed Christian. He was sworn into
>> the Senate on 
>> his family Bible. He has regularly attended church with his
>> wife and 
>> daughters for years.
>> But shameful, shadowy attackers have been lying about
>> Barack's religion, 
>> claiming he is a Muslim instead of a committed Christian.
>> When people 
>> fabricate stories about someone's faith to denigrate
>> them politically, 
>> that's an attack on people of all faiths.
>> Make sure everyone you know is aware of this deception.
>> http://www.fightthesmears.com/
>> #------------------------------
>> Regards,
>> LelandJ
>> Michael Madigan wrote:
>>> You can't slander a muslim terrorist.
>>> ************************************************* 
>>> Barack Obama Antichrist gear
>>> http://www.cafepress.com/rightwingmike
>>> --- On Mon, 10/20/08, Leland F. Jackson, CPA
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> From: Leland F. Jackson, CPA
>>>> Subject: Re: [OT] US Congresswoman Questions
>> Liberals as Anti American
>>>> To: "ProFox Email List"
>> <profox@leafe.com>
>>>> Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 2:13 PM
>>>> If someone had described to me the tactics being
>> used by the
>>>> Republican 
>>>> party during the 2008 USA Republican presidential
>> campaign,
>>>> (eg. smear, 
>>>> fear, propaganda intentionally aimed to mislead
>> the
>>>> voters), and asked 
>>>> me to guess in which country it was taking place,
>> I would
>>>> guess Russia, 
>>>> but never the USA.
>>>> The dirty tactics/ticks being used by Senator
>> McCain, and
>>>> other groups 
>>>> favoring the Republican party, are the real
>> Anti-American
>>>> culprits.   
>>>> Its reminiscent of the way the Bush campaign
>> defeated
>>>> Senator McCain 
>>>> during the 2004 election, and now Senator McCain
>> has
>>>> stepped into 
>>>> President George W. Bush's shoe's yet
>> again.
>>>> The level of dishonesty taking place in the
>> Republican
>>>> campaign calls 
>>>> into question whether the American people should
>> trust the
>>>> election 
>>>> process itself, and whether the results finally
>> announced,
>>>> after the 
>>>> votes are counted, will be honest and true.  The
>> election
>>>> process will 
>>>> need strict oversight to ensure the American
>> people have
>>>> confidence in 
>>>> the final outcome.
>>>> The way the Republican party has conducted itself
>> during
>>>> the campaign is 
>>>> dishonorable and down right Anti-american.  LOL
>>>> Regards,
>>>> LelandJ
>>>> Michael Madigan wrote
>>>>> I agree.
>>>>> Joe McCarthy Gear
>>>>> http://www.cafepress.com/rightwingmike/1756879
>>>>> --- On Mon, 10/20/08, Leland F. Jackson, CPA
>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> From: Leland F. Jackson, CPA
>>>>>> Subject: [OT] US Congresswoman Questions
>> Liberals
>>>> as Anti American
>>>>>> To: "ProFox Email List"
>>>> <profox@leafe.com>
>>>>>> Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 1:26 PM
>>>>>> Congresswomen  Michele Bachmann seems to
>> be
>>>> implying that
>>>>>> all liberals 
>>>>>> in congress are Anti-american, and seems
>> to feel
>>>> that the
>>>>>> press should 
>>>>>> conduct a McCarthy like witch hunt for
>>>> Anti-americans in
>>>>>> congress.
>>>>>> Congresswomen Bachmann give a whole new
>> definition
>>>> to the
>>>>>> label 
>>>>>> "Liberal" in her attempt to stir
>> up
>>>> hate/fear, so
>>>>>> the Republican party 
>>>>>> can divide and conquer any opposition
>> party.
>>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mJiF3p0kFw
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> LelandJ
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