Why is it the truth about the left is hateful and divisive, yet they can say 
anything about GWB?  Don't give us that crap, please.

Larry Miller

----- Original Message -----
From: Leland F. Jackson, CPA 
To: ProFox Email List 
Sent: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 14:51:26 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [OT] Rep. Hayes: ‘Liberals Hate Real Americans

Below is yet another example of the hateful and divisive politics coming 
form Senator John McCain's campaign.   Republican Robin Hayes accused 
Obama of "inciting class warfare" and said that "liberals hate real 
Americans that work and achieve and believe in God".

 It time to put this kind of hateful, divisive politics behind us, and 
open up a new chapter in American History where all American are united 
to put country above partisan politics, and that is exactly what Senator 
Obama intends to do, should he be win the election for President of the USA.




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