
> The debt went up because we didn't cut spending too.

Again, a load of crap. There were massive spending cuts in programs and even
more massive increases in military spending. During Reagan's administration
I worked for a defense contractor on the Strategic Defense Initiative. The
military budget was so awash with cash that it was being thrown around to
attract engineers and scientists. I was personally getting wined and dined
as an engineer, and attended functions in the governor's mansions, high
class hotels, and you name it.

The REPUBLICANS jacked up those funds for weapons, and once they were
manufactured they sat in 'mothballs' in the deserts of California and
Arizona. I was there. I saw them. My salary was paid with the obscene waste
in the Reagan administration.

But at the same time, funding was cut to the school lunch programs (ketchup
was a vegetable, remember?), head start, support for indigent pregnant
women, Pell grants for college students... Just so we could put more
Tomahawk cruise missiles in piles in the desert.

THAT is why I am a Democrat. I can't STAND the republican waste, fraud, and
abuse. They are absolutely horrible stewards of our tax money.

Kristyne McDaniel
Whether you think you can, or you think you can't.... you are right.
 -- Henry Ford

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