Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Nov 3, 2008, at 9:36 AM, Malcolm Greene wrote:
>> Wonder if you can update the Profox list with what's new with Dabo?
>       We're getting ready to release 0.9, which is the last planned  
> compatibility break before we move to 1.0.
>       The biggest new development is that we've added the ability to create  
> true web apps, but with the same rich client interface as desktop  
> apps. No HTML, Javascript, CSS, etc. I've written more about it here:
>       http://leafe.com/archives/showMsg/400105
>       FInally, I'll be speaking at the PyWorks conference in Atlanta next  
> week on Dabo (what else?).

Awesome!  Please let us know how it goes and how well attended it was.

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