And the $150,000 palin outfits during the campaign? Get a grip.

-----Original Message-----
Of Pete Theisen
Sent: Tuesday, 2 December 2008 5:19 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: [OT] First, ahem, "Lady"-elect getting $30 G ring?

Hi Everybody!

1) Remember when MichelleO cracked her joke about how women would use 
the $600 stimulus check to buy earrings?

Man, I thought that was a sign of elitism run amok. But now we're 
talking about a $30,000 piece of rhodium just for doing what a 
supportive spouse should do? Out of this world:

     She loves her inexpensive outfits from the mall, but Michelle Obama 
will soon be sporting something much fancier than anything you'll find 
at J. Crew. It is being reported that President-elect Barack Obama is 
buying his wife a new ring for her support during the election. A 
spokesperson for top Italian designer Giovanni Bosco allegedly said that 
President-Elect Barack Obama is looking to purchase a $30,000 Harmony 
ring made of rhodium and encrusted with diamonds as a thank you gift to 
Michelle. The future First Lady is expected to receive the ring just in 
time for her husband's January inauguration ceremony. One of the world's 
rarest and most precious metals, only about 25 tons of rhodium are mined 
each year, setting the price at over $7,660 per ounce - or about ten 
times the cost of gold.

2) Is it really a good idea to have let this slip just days after a 
Wal-Mart temporary worker died in a hyper-consumerist stampede?

3) Speaking of bad timing, is it really a good idea to be crowing about 
this extravagant present when - as Barack Obama so ably reminded us in 
campaign infomerical before Election Day - Americans are hurting in the 
midst of tough economic times that will only get tougher?

4) What is it with some women who feel entitled to receive lavish 
presents from their husbands for work that should be its own reward? 
Reminds me of this ridiculous "Push Present" phenomenon involving women 
who expect big-ticket gifts from their husbands for bearing their 
children (see Dr. Helen's column here).


If Michelle thinks she should receive a present for contributing to the 
successful Obama campaign, what gift is she getting him for winning it?

5) How long before someone screams RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIST?

Come ON Dec 5!


[excessive quoting removed by server]

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