Nice suggestion Michael, that is probably the only non VFP9 solution 
mentioned so far. :)
To make it even more integrated, rather than shellexecute, I'd 
probably use the internet explorer activex object embedded on a vfp 
form and just link to the created pdf.
That'd be pretty cool. :)

At 02:26 PM 12/05/2008, you wrote:
>Steve Ellenoff wrote:
> > A user was complaining the other day about the report preview being a
> > Modal window (of course they didn't use that term), and I got to
> > thinking if there's any way to make vfp's report preview window
> > non-modal. Having never investigated this before, does anyone know of
> > ways to do this, in older versions of VFP and/or VFP9?
> >
> > Thanks-
> > Steve
>Hi Steve,
>No, sorry, I can't think of a way with the native viewer, but here's
>what I'd do since I've got a couple 3rd party apps like eReports and
>XFRX:  I'd use those to create a PDF and then just launch the resulting
>PDF via ShellExecute so it's in its own process and hence modeless.  ;-)
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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