On Sat, January 24, 2009 7:27 pm, Michael Madigan wrote:
> Gee, I thought he wanted to get along with European countries.
> http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5igKGopxWlT9SgXvlsDg_2z
> KcNlrw

I must be reading/interpreting this wrong:  so why are U.S. funds being
sent overseas to fund abortions?  Forget about the centerpoint
(abortions).  Why are we paying for foreign persons services?  What about
taking care of our own people and fixing the problems here first?  For
example, if there were 2 charities--one here in my native country, and one
in a foreign country, who's cause should be funded first?  Yeah...everyone
would say his own native country.  I wouldn't expect the Brits (or ANY
nation) to pay for our stuff before their own?

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