On a somewhat more somber note, the side of me that is increasingly capable
of compassion toward people in serious spiritual distress (I used to be a
lot colder and insensitive---I know, a shock to some...) really feels for
those people used in today's disgusting "pep rally" for Obama.

At least, my spirit convicts me of being too hard on them, personally.

They are clearly searching for hope, obviously deep in spiritual bondage
(just observe the body language of Jose!), and only doing what the spirits
to whom they have surrendered their lives are leading them to do, as the
powers and principalities that now are firmly in charge are using them as
media puppets.

I am trying very hard to temper my sense of outrage with a more spiritual
perspective---but the downside of this discernment is that I see what is
happening for what it really is: a great evil that is taking over
everything, seemingly all at once, even as almost everyone else looks at is
as some kind of renaissance of hope. In the past I might only have dismissed
them as morons. Now my spirit grieves for them.

I don't know if these are the end times or the last days; but I do know that
for the rest of my days and those of my children, the world is in for some
seriously long, hard times.

I have to rest on my faith in Christ, even when everything appears to be
going to Hell. 

Talk about a gut check moment! They aren't as easy in practice as they are
in theory. :(

- Bob

> If you're not a corrupt Federal Reserve bank chairman overseeing Wall
> Street
> who specializes in complex financial instruments, but curiously doesn't
> know
> how to operate Turbo Tax, and never saw this crisis coming despite
> "overseeing" Wall Street the last 6 years; a tax cheat or pervert in
> Congress who gets re-elected perpetually from one-party districts no
> matter
> how many laws you break or male prostitutes you sleep with; an
> ex-Congressman/Senator/tax cheat who recently worked for foreign and
> domestic big-business lobbying firms; the carpet-bagging wife-turned-
> Senator
> of an ex-president who made millions from foreign countries in the last
> couple years and still hasn't had to disclose details of his windfall;
> or
> one of the following pathetic, hand-picked slobbering morons yanked off
> the
> street for a photo op...
> http://tinyurl.com/bs4l6e (you really have to watch this one to believe
> it)
> http://tinyurl.com/awmuz4
> .... cooing at the feet of our new Glorious Leader, and begging for
> hand
> outs, well, then...
> ... you and your great, great, great grandchildren (and every
> generation in
> between) are going to be liquidated for the sake of the ruling class
> and
> their precious ruled class in the next two years.
> Welcome to Obama's neo-Marxist one-party "democracy" of dunces.
> Have a nice life, and do try to get used to much smaller, colder, and
> quieter accommodations.
> - Bob

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