I asked this question earlier without the Jobs component.  I now understand how 
to handle that one with a join but haven't figured out how to join a join.  As 
before this code gives me a single record but I need one for the case where 
there is no Typ2.  
TIA - Joe Yoder
  CREATE CURSOR Members (Parent I, Type C(1), Jcode C(1))
  CREATE CURSOR Jobs (Code C(1), Desc C(1))
  INSERT INTO Family (Id) VALUES (1)
  INSERT INTO Family (Id) VALUES (2)
  INSERT INTO Members (Parent, Type, Jcode) VALUES (1, 'a', '1')
  INSERT INTO Members (Parent, Type, Jcode) VALUES (1, 'b', '2')
  INSERT INTO Members (Parent, Type, Jcode) VALUES (2, 'a', '3')
  INSERT INTO Jobs (Code, Desc) VALUES ('1', 'A')
  INSERT INTO Jobs (Code, Desc) VALUES ('2', 'B')
  INSERT INTO Jobs (Code, Desc) VALUES ('3', 'C')
  SELECT Family.Id, M1.Type as Typ1, M2.Type as Typ2, J1.Desc as Job1, J2.Desc 
as Job2;
    FROM Family, Members as M1, Members as M2, Jobs as J1, Jobs as J2;
    WHERE Family.Id = M1.Parent AND M1.Type = 'a';
      AND Family.Id = M2.Parent AND M2.Type = 'b';
      AND J1.code = M1.Jcode;
      AND J2.code = M2.Jcode

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