> http://tinyurl.com/aufsru
> - - -
> HOUSEHOLDERS would be charged for each flush under a radical new toilet
> tax
> designed to help beat the drought.
> The scheme would replace the current system, which sees sewage charges
> based
> on a home's value - not its waste water output.
> - - -
> I'm not commenting for or against it--actually the idea probably makes
> sense, since some Texas towns have already proven it works for
> locations
> where drought is frequent--I just think it's funny in light of Geoff's
> revelations about how much Australians love to regulate everything.
> Plus it will stimulate the aerosol deodorant industry, which will help
> create big holes in the ozone so CO2 can escape the atmosphere. All
> around,
> a win-win-win.

I would also like to note that another great endearing feature of this
approach is how "flat" tax and regressive it really is.

After all, assuming the whole world followed Australia's pioneering lead,
under the old plan, Al Gore would pay a disproportionate amount of sewage
taxes for his 36-room mansion, even though he moves his bowels and bladder
no more or less than, say, Obama's brother George, who could always just
crap outside his hut in Nairobi to avoid paying the fee.

The point being now everybody pays the same fee for usage of a public
service. I like that approach. It encourages poor people to crap less (i.e.,
consume less McDonalds food) and save more, and allows wealthy people to
keep and invest more of their own money in the private sector, to create
jobs for those poor people, and lift them up out of their huts.

Australia is definitely ahead of the laissez faire free market curve. :)

To our Australian friends: Good on ya, mates. ;)


- Bob

> ;0)
> - Bob
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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