Jim Harvey wrote:
> I'd like to update a field value by allowing the user to click a button that
> has a value as it's caption.
> There will be multiple buttons each with its own distinct value.
> I can put code in the click of each button knowing it's assigned value, and
> that will do the job, but would rather use a form method.
> Is there a way to have the method determine which button was clicked, and
> therefore assign the new value to the field.
> The code I'm using now in the button.click is:
> SELECT bidboard
> UPDATE bidboard SET amount = 6000
> llok = tableupdate(1,.f.,'bidboard')
> thisform.refresh

If I'm following you correctly, I would create a form method MyMethod 
with a parameter.  In the button click, I'd either call 
Thisform.MyMethod(1)  (Where the numeric is different for each button), 
or better yet ThisForm.MyMethod(this.name) (allowing for exactly the 
same code in each button)

Then in the method, use a CASE statement, and proceed from there.

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