Ken Kixmoeller/fh wrote:
> On Apr 14, 2009, at 4:06 PM, Ed Leafe wrote:
>> BTW, there were an awful lot of companies hiring at PyCon last  
>> month...
> I am just not sure that any company would have me after so many years  
> as a generalist. I look at job listings and see a specific  
> requirement: I say "yes, I did that for about 5% of the time." Am I a  
> systems Architect? I think so, but compared to a 28-year-old IS/EE,  
> maybe not. Am I a project manager? Sure, but I only managed *myself.*  
> Am I a programmer? Sure but only as a means to to an end. Do I know  
> hardware? Only enough to keep my own world from collapsing (lately,  
> unsuccessfully). Project manager? "Again, just me." Done design work  
> as part of a team? "No -- never -- not even for 10 minutes."
> Nor am I sure that I could have a job again after so many years of  
> freedom. "What? You want me to come there? *Every* day??" Am I a  
> "team player?" Um, do I have to be honest about that?
I usually think along those same terms whenever I feel I need a bit of
grief. If I don't feel that way then I try not to think about it at all
(I just dream about winning LOTO). My present gig I got because this
manager knew me from 20 years ago and new how I worked. I started
working one day a week and now I have the whole week. But alas, I cannot
compete with these youngsters, they know all the shiny fancy "words" and
acronyms (I know almost none, I just know how to make things work), they
have all their nice impressive curriculum etc. And they are young! (I
wonder why age is ever an issue, but it is)
 So I guess it is this way with us, old timers, we'll get jobs from
people who already know how we work and our level of responsibility, but
never answer an add, it's a lost battle (at least for me, I guess) and
in any case I'm no longer willing to go up bullshit creek in an
interview ("team player" and all that bull).
If I loose the present gig...... well, I always have bank robbing
available! Can't be that hard to learn!

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