On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 15:46:20 -0700, "Matt Jarvis" <matt.jar...@kingrs.com> 

>Being a) rusty and b) having a brain lapse...
>Is there a built in function that will tell me which item something is
>when contained within a list?
>For example, I want to search for "C" in the list of "A", "B", "C", "D"
>and want the returned value to be 3.

Hi Matt!


create cursor my_list (my_data Char(1))

insert into my_list values ("A")
insert into my_list values ("B")
insert into my_list values ("C")
insert into my_list values ("D")

select my_list
index on my_data tag "my_data"

select my_list
set order to tag "my_data"
seek "C"
? recno()


local array my_list[4]
my_list[1] = "A"
my_list[2] = "B"
my_list[3] = "C"
my_list[4] = "D"

? ascan(my_list, "C")


? at("C", "A" + "B" + "C" + "D")



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