Truth is Sean Penn is a moron.


 Sean Penn Under Fire from Former Costarby Lindsay Robertson · March 29,
 [image: Julia Roberts in 'Eat Pray

Sean Penn <>'s costar in
the 1988 cop drama "Colors <>"
has written an impassioned open letter to the actor about recent remarks
Penn made praising Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez.

Actor Maria Conchita Alonso penned the letter, titled "An Open Letter to
Sean Penn," on the website Newsbusters. In it, she expresses her
disappointment at Penn's statements made on the March 5 episode of HBO's
"Real Time With Bill Maher." On the panel-based talk show, Penn praised the
Venezuelan president, saying Chavez had been elected in "14 of the most
transparent elections in the globe, and been elected democratically."
Conchita Alonso, who was born in Cuba 52 years ago but raised in Venezuela,
begs to differ.

"Dear Sean, WHY?" she begins. "Even though I have great respect for your
artistic talent, I was appalled by a recent television interview where you
vigorously showed support for the regime of Hugo Chavez. Therefore, I've
decided to set the record straight for you regarding the Chavez regime,
supporting my case based not only on my political ideologies, but on proven
facts you choose to ignore. Otherwise, I believe your position would be

In a fervent yet respectful tone, Conchita Alonso goes on to lay out her
case against Chavez, citing lack of free speech, disputed elections,
international posturing, and escalating violence and poverty, among others,
as issues facing Venezuela under and because of Chavez. "My intention isn't
to convince you," Conchita Alonso writes, "but to let you know what is truly
happening in this beautiful country of noble people, Venezuela. I would
encourage you to investigate in depth the 'inside story' and realize for
yourself the dark side behind the person you choose to idolize."

In an interview with Fox News
Conchita Alonso speculated that Penn just doesn't know what he's talking
about. "Either he is ignorant in the subject of Venezuela and Chavez -- and
by the way, the Castros in Cuba, because, you know, he likes them -- or I
don't know why he's talking about that," the former Miss Venezuela said.

Penn, who is currently volunteering in Haiti, is no stranger to the
open-letter format. He's written several missives against the war in Iraq
and the Bush Administration that have been published on the Huffington

Penn has not yet publicly commented on Conchita Alonso's letter. Conchita
Alonso's publicist says Penn "has not been in touch at all" to address her


"Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely
to be honest than a clever man."
Bertrand Russell

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