2010/6/21 Ricardo Aráoz <ricar...@gmail.com>:
> On 19/06/10 18:51, Publius Maximus wrote:
>> This is the magic behind sending a LINQ expression from a client to a
>> SQL server, and the code actually being executed on the server side. I
>> don't mean like a typical SQL query, where it sends text that needs to
>> be parsed, in this case, it's the fully "ready to execute"
>> representation that gets immediately executed.
> You mean the difference is the sql query gets parsed in the client? Or
> the coder has to parse it? What's the big advantage of that? Never had
> problems with an sql query being parsed in the server.
> And what is a "ready to execute representation"? Do you mean the server
> does not get to decide the strategy of the query based on resources and
> such?

Here are a pair of queries that run in linq:

            var lambda = people.Join(pets,              // outer sequence
                                     person => person,  // inner sequence key
                                     pet => pet.Owner,  // outer sequence key
                                     (person, pet) =>
                                         new { OwnerName = person.Name, Pet =
pet.Name });
            // using query expression
            var query = from person in people
                        join pet in pets on person equals pet.Owner
                        select new { OwnerName = person.Name, Pet = pet.Name };
Currently both are data objects in ram but both can be switched to
hitting a db by stating the Entity(schema object for the actual disk
data) before the objectName.  That Entity below is ET.

            var query = from person in ET.people
                        join pet in ET.pets on person equals pet.Owner
                        select new { OwnerName = person.Name, Pet = pet.Name };

Linq syntax follows more to the actual engine's working of a query statement.

Process the Where clause, Joins, Where, Order by, Having and then the
"output" or field list

Where you write the Output first and then package all the other parts

Stephen Russell

Sr. Production Systems Programmer

901.246-0159 cell

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