Ironically, a good way to improve J documentation would be to write
some (perhaps in blog posts?) and then go through a revision process
with an audience on that.

That said, the best J documentation seems to be "off hand" --
tutorials that focus on some application and cover just enough of J
for it to be useful for that purpose.  Having something concrete to
focus on is incredibly illuminating, and since J borrows deeply from
the traditions of mathematics its concepts often need just a little
explanation when in a context where the student has some idea of the
concrete subject being discussed.

At least, that's my opinion,


On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 9:50 PM, Alex Giannakopoulos
<> wrote:
> I agree that all this needs more and *clear* and *visible* explanation!
> It was the first question I asked, and in the two+ years (on-and-off) that
> I have been mucking around with J I have seen asked on this forum umpteen
> times.
> I have also seen it debated at length (and breadth and depth).  By
> experienced users, experts and newbies alike.  Unfortunately these
> discussions get buried in the (not easily searchable) list archives and the
> question keeps popping up, kind of like Nosferatu.
> Maybe we need a REALLY prominent page explaining it once and for all.
> I must add that for someone coming from another language, the idea of
> trains is massively alien (and a pain until you see their utility).
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