For the record (and later reference) ...

Euler's product formula for the totient of a number n with k *distinct* prime factors p_i reads

phi(n) = n * (1 - 1/p_1) * (1 - 1/p_2) * ... * (1 - 1/p_k)

Rewriting this by replacing n with the product of prime factors one gains

Product (i=1 to k) over [ (p_i - 1) * p_i^(e_i - 1) ]

(J code)
*/ (p-1)*p^e-1


Andrew Nikitin's version is a fresh look at the same formula, as illustrated by this example:

   ] n=. !7  NB. composite number
   q: n  NB. listing prime factors
2 2 2 2 3 3 5 7
   ~: q: n  NB. marking distinct prime factors
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1

Subtracting the two lists gives

   (q: n) - (~: q: n)
1 2 2 2 2 3 4 6

a result which may be looked at (grouped) like
1 2 2 2 | 2 3 | 4 | 6

Now the brilliant idea obviously is
that subtracting the 'Nub Sieve' of the list of prime factors from that very list
'kills two birds with one stone' in as it

[1] subtracts 1 from each of the *distinct* prime factors and
[2] reduces the number of identical prime factors by 1 each

at the very *same* time.

Writing the difference as a 'Hook' and

   (- ~:) q: n
1 2 2 2 2 3 4 6

building the product and

   */ (- ~:) q: n

realizing that (*/) is the 'Inverse' of (q:)
using 'Under (Dual)' one gets the final expression

   (- ~:) &. q: n



At 2017-04-02 14:26, you wrote:

Andrew Nikitin posted the expression to the forum 2009-11-03
You can derive it by more conventional expressions for computing the
totient, such as the expression */(p-1)*p^e-1 which immediately precedes it
in the dictionary.

On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 12:39 AM, Martin Kreuzer <> wrote:

> Hi all -

> In section 'Primes' of the Vocabul I found this line of code (at the very
> end, function no 5):

> (- ~:) &. q: y

> I do know that it is another way to calculate the totient of y, and
> I'm somehow familiar with the use of (~:) and (&.) and (q:), but
> have not yet found any documentation of this construct (- ~:)
> [btw, these seem to work too (+ ~:), (* ~:), (% ~:)]

> Where should I explore further..?

> -M

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