1&fc convert j double number to single precision bit pattern because single
precision is used in kernels. Double precision is not well supported in
low-end GPU. If 1&fc is omitted, GPU will interpret the buffer of double
precision as single precision bit patterns.

On Fri, Feb 28, 2020, 9:52 PM Brian Schott <schott.br...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Bill, especially (Thomas, Raul, and others),
> Your comment regarding trying a simpler figure and simplifying the color
> has led me to consider several alternatives. Below I show a revised script
> which uses a tetrahedron (4 faces) and some color changes. I think the
> tetrahedron is mostly working for me but I am really confused about the
> colors.
> I apologize for the length of this email, but I have many questions.
> As an aside, I have discovered an error in the shader.ijs in the qtdemo's.
> The last 0 in the following line should be a 1 because it's the alpha
> value. (Coincidentally, there is another line in shader.ijs which also
> addresses ClearColor, but it is ignored, I think, and it separates the
> integers with ;'s .) Correcting that alpha value creates a black
> background, which can be effective.
> glClearColor 0 0 0 0
> Btw, I have left 2 glClearColor's in the script so it's easy to swap them:
> white 1 1 1 1 and
> black 0 0 0 1 .
> The major changes I have made to the script are the following.
> NB.  changed cube to a mirrored sphenoid(?)
> NB. (eg, see
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architectonic_and_catoptric_tessellation)
> rt=: (|.@:{)`[`]}   NB. rotates vertices of xth face for winding order
> vertexData=: 1&fc ,1 rt 3 rt  4 3 3$ %&10, 0&". ;._2 [ 0 : 0
> _3 _9 _4
>  3 _9 _4
>  0  0  2
>  0  8 _4
> )
> I discovered that the verb `rt` (or something like it) is required to make
> the tetrahedron work because of face winding issues. The original cube was
> adjusted another way, apparently.
> With `vertexData` defined either as above OR without `1&fc` prepended I get
> the SAME --mostly desirable-- results. The inclusion and exclusion of
> `1&fc` giving the same result is confusing, by itself, and begs the
> question, "Why is `1&fc` used?"
> I said "mostly desirable" above, instead of "desirable" because of the next
> 2 issues.
> v0) The 10 in the first line of the definition of vertexData is used to
> simplify data entry and I have also used it to experiment with scaling the
> size of the tetrahedron. This has led to another surprise, that no scaling
> seems to result from increasing the 10 to 80 or so. Why?
> v1) I have been disillusioned by the face coloring of the tetrahedron, even
> in the simplest situations because when the tetrahedron is rotated in
> certain directions, the black or white background seems to bleed through
> one of the edges. What causes that?
> Now, moving on to coloring. I have no idea how the face COLORing works
> using almost any version of `colorData` below. I can generalize though on
> one thing: if I leave out the `1&fc`, no colors work on ANY version
> of `colorData` .
> The first version below seems to give a complete tetrahedron except for the
> background color bleeding through one edge. And as mentioned earlier, it
> only works with vertices rotated with the rt verb.
> colorData=: 1&fc ,1 rt 3 rt  4 3 3$ , 0&". ;._2 [ 0 : 0
> 0 0 1
> 1 1 1
> 1 0 0
> 0 1 0
> )
> f0) If the 1's in the second row are changed to 0.9's, the background color
> no longer bleeds in. Why?
> f1) (This approach does not seem to work at all, and I have a replacement
> for it that works a little, but will send it in a new message) I want 2 of
> the faces in the tetrahedron to have the same color and each of the other 2
> to have a different color (3 colors altogether). I devised the following
> NONWORKING scheme of colors to accomplish this result. By nonworking I mean
> only the background color shows in the graphics pane, no tetrahedron. Why?
> colorData=:  1&fc ,_3]\3#"2] 0&". ;._2 [ 0 : 0
> 0 0 1
> 1 1 1
> 1 0 0
> 0 1 0
> )
> To demonstrate the result above consider the following result which makes
> each of the 4 faces, represented by the boxes' contents below, has 3
> identical rows.
>    ;/_3]\3#"2] 0&". ;._2 [ 0 : 0
> 0 0 1
> 1 1 1
> 1 0 0
> 0 1 0
> )
> +-----+-----+-----+-----+
> |0 0 1|1 1 1|1 0 0|0 1 0|
> |0 0 1|1 1 1|1 0 0|0 1 0|
> |0 0 1|1 1 1|1 0 0|0 1 0|
> +-----+-----+-----+-----+
> ***************my revised slider.ijs script is below************
> cocurrent 'demoshader'
> mp=: (+/ . *)"2
> rt=: (|.@:{)`[`]}NB. rotates vertices of xth face for winding order
> sprog=: 0
> GLSL=: 0
> STOP=: 0
> A=: 0 : 0
> pc a;
> minwh 300 300;cc g opengl flush;
> rem form end;
> )
> a_run=: 3 : 0
> NB. if. -. checkrequire_qtdemo_ 'gles';'api/gles' do. return. end.
> require 'gl2'
> coinsert 'jgl2'
> require 'gles'
> coinsert 'jgles'
> require '~addons/ide/qt/opengl.ijs'
> coinsert 'qtopengl'
> STEPS=: 100
> R=: 20 30 0
> EYE=: 0 0 1
> LR=: UD=: IO=: 0
> UP=: 0 1 0
> wd A
> HD=: ".wd'qhwndc g'
> wd 'ptimer 100'
> wd 'pshow'
> )
> a_g_initialize=: 3 : 0
> if. p=. >@{. glGetString GL_VERSION do. smoutput 'GL_VERSION: ', memr 0 _1
> 2,~ p end.
> if. 0=p do. smoutput 'cannot retrieve GL_VERSION' return. end.
> if. p=. >@{. glGetString GL_VENDOR do. smoutput 'GL_VENDOR: ', memr 0 _1
> 2,~ p end.
> if. p=. >@{. glGetString GL_RENDERER do. smoutput 'GL_RENDERER: ', memr 0
> _1 2,~ p end.
> if. p=. >@{. glGetString GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION do. smoutput
> 'GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: ', memr 0 _1 2,~ p end.
> GLSL=: wglGLSL''
> wglPROC''
> sprog=: 0
> if. GLSL>120 do.
>   vsrc=. vsrc2
>   fsrc=. fsrc2
> else.
>   vsrc=. vsrc1
>   fsrc=. fsrc1
>   if. 0=GLES_VERSION_jgles_ do.
>     vsrc=. vsrc,~ '#define lowp', LF, '#define mediump', LF, '#define
> highp', LF
>     fsrc=. fsrc,~ '#define lowp', LF, '#define mediump', LF, '#define
> highp', LF
>   end.
> end.
> vsrc=. '#version ',(":GLSL),((GLSL>:300)#(*GLES_VERSION){::' core';'
> es'),LF,vsrc
> fsrc=. '#version ',(":GLSL),((GLSL>:300)#(*GLES_VERSION){::' core';'
> es'),LF,fsrc
> if.(GLSL>:300)*.0~:GLES_VERSION_jgles_ do.
>   fsrc=. ('void main';'out vec4 gl_FragColor;',LF,'void main')
> stringreplace fsrc
> end.
> smoutput vsrc
> smoutput fsrc
> 'err program'=. gl_makeprogram vsrc;fsrc
> if. #err do. smoutput err return. end.
> vertexAttr=: >@{. glGetAttribLocation program;'vertex'
> assert. _1~: vertexAttr
> colorAttr=: >@{. glGetAttribLocation program;'color'
> assert. _1~: colorAttr
> mvpUni=: >@{. glGetUniformLocation program;'mvp'
> assert. _1~: mvpUni
> glGenBuffers 2;vbo=: 2#_1
> glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; {.vbo
> glBufferData GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; (#vertexData); (symdat <'vertexData');
> glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; {:vbo
> glBufferData GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; (#colorData); (symdat <'colorData');
> glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; 0
> sprog=: program
> NB. glClearColor 0; 0; 1; 1
> )
> a_g_char=: 3 : 0
> if. 0=#sysdata do. return. end.
> R=: 360 | R + 2 * 'xyz' = 0 { sysdata
> k=. 0{sysdata
> STEPS=: 200 <. STEPS + 's' = k
> STEPS=: 3 >. STEPS - 'a' = k
> LR=: LR - 0.01*'l'=k
> LR=: LR + 0.01*'r'=k
> gl_paint ''
> )
> a_timer=: 3 : 0
> if. 0=STOP do. return. end.
> R=: 360 | R + 2 * 1 1 1
> gl_sel HD
> gl_paint''
> )
> a_g_paint=: 3 : 0
> if. 0=sprog do. return. end.
> wh=. gl_qwh''
> glClearColor 1 1 1 1
> glClearColor 0 0 0 1   NB. this is new
> glUseProgram sprog
> glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST
> glEnable GL_CULL_FACE
> NB. matrix convention: current matrix on the left
> NB. note pre-multiplication
> NB. model-view
> mvp=: (gl_Rotate (0{R), 1 0 0 ) mp (gl_Rotate (1{R), 0 1 0) mp (gl_Rotate
> (2{R), 0 0 1) mp (gl_Scale STEPS%100) mp (gl_Translate 0 0 _8) mp
> glu_LookAt EYE,LR,UD,IO,UP
> NB. projection
> mvp=: mvp mp gl_Perspective 30, (%/wh),1 10
> NB. note GL_FALSE, no transpose
> glUniformMatrix4fv mvpUni; 1; GL_FALSE; mvp
> glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; {.vbo
> glEnableVertexAttribArray vertexAttr
> glVertexAttribPointer vertexAttr; 3; GL_FLOAT; 0; 0; 0
> glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; {:vbo
> glEnableVertexAttribArray colorAttr
> glVertexAttribPointer colorAttr; 3; GL_FLOAT; 0; 0; 0
> glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLES; 0; 12   NB. 36 was for cubes *******
> glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; 0
> glDisableVertexAttribArray colorAttr
> glDisableVertexAttribArray vertexAttr
> glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST
> glDisable GL_CULL_FACE
> glUseProgram 0
> gl_clear ''
> gl_rgb 255 255 255
> gl_textcolor ''
> gl_textxy 10 30
> gl_text 'keys: x y z a s l r F4'
> gl_textxy 10 50
> gl_text 'scale: ',":STEPS%100
> gl_textxy 10 70
> gl_text 'angle: ',":R
> gl_textxy 10 90
> if. 0=sprog do. return. end.
> gl_text 'matrix:'
> for_i. i.4 do.
>   gl_textxy 10, 105+i*15
>   gl_text 6j2": i{mvp
> end.
> )
> a_f4_fkey=: 3 : 0
> NB. gl_paint ''
> )
> a_cancel=: a_close
> a_close=: 3 : 0
> STOP=: 0
> wd 'ptimer 0'
> glDeleteBuffers ::0: 2; vbo
> glDeleteProgram ::0: sprog
> wd 'pclose'
> )
> NB.  Mirrored sphenoid?
> vertexData=: 1&fc ,1 rt 3 rt  4 3 3$ %&80, 0&". ;._2 [ 0 : 0
> _3 _9 _4
>  3 _9 _4
>  0  0  2
>  0  8 _4
> )
> colorData=: 1&fc ,1 rt 3 rt  4 3 3$ , 0&". ;._2 [ 0 : 0
> 0 0 1
> 1 1 1
> 1 0 0
> 0 1 0
> )
> NB. =========================================================
> vsrc1=: 0 : 0
> attribute highp vec3 vertex;
> attribute lowp vec3 color;
> varying lowp vec4 v_color;
> uniform mat4 mvp;
> void main(void)
> {
>   gl_Position = mvp * vec4(vertex,1.0);
>   v_color = vec4(color,1.0);
> }
> )
> fsrc1=: 0 : 0
> varying lowp vec4 v_color;
> void main(void)
> {
>   gl_FragColor = v_color;
> }
> )
> NB. =========================================================
> vsrc2=: 0 : 0
> in vec3 vertex;
> in vec3 color;
> out vec4 v_color;
> uniform mat4 mvp;
> void main(void)
> {
>   gl_Position = mvp * vec4(vertex,1.0);
>   v_color = vec4(color,1.0);
> }
> )
> fsrc2=: 0 : 0
> in vec4 v_color;
> void main(void)
> {
>   gl_FragColor = v_color;
> }
> )
> NB. =========================================================
> a_run''
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 7:19 PM bill lam <bbill....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > If you intended to run turtle graphics only, then drawing cube is over
> > skilled. Drawing triangles is much simpler. eg a triangle with vertices
> > 0 1 0, 1 _1 0, _1 _1 0
> > then use different scale, translate and rotate to place them into
> different
> > positions and orientations.
> >
> > Also only a constant solid color from fragment shader is sufficient.
> >
> > On Sat, Feb 15, 2020, 7:19 AM Brian Schott <schott.br...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > --
> (B=)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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