Good segue into a couple of questions that have been on my mind. 

a) Any thoughts comments on a current Beta release for Raspbian?

b) Are there strong reasons to move to a 64 bit OS on the Raspberry Pi?

- joey

> On 2021May 24, at 13:54, bill lam <> wrote:
> Matrix multiplication on arm64 android should already be fully optimized,
> including
> Blas routine with arm64 asimd kernel
> Openmp multithreading
> Optimized on desktop too, J runs as fast as other multithreaded optimized
> blas lapack such as openblas.
> On Mon, May 24, 2021, 3:53 PM Ric Sherlock <> wrote:
>> Just to provide some context to Henry's statement that things have changed
>> a bit since J8.05, below are the timings I get on my phone (Pixel 4a) using
>> J902.
>> ,.f"0]2^>:i.13
>> 0.024127
>>    1e_5
>>    2e_6
>>    3e_6
>>  3.4e_5
>> 0.000909
>> 0.000425
>> 0.012697
>> 0.020461
>> 0.139175
>> 1.00075
>>  6.6658
>> 56.7179
>> On Mon, 24 May 2021, 15:00 Henry Rich, <> wrote:
>>> J8.05 is very out-of-date for +/ . * .  Since then I have rewritten the
>>> JE code a couple of times: the current version is pretty fast and has
>>> special code depending on matrix sizes.
>>> If you are doing performance measurement you need to get an up-to-date
>>> J.  Many primitives and combinations run 5-10x faster than they did in
>>> 8.05.
>>> Henry Rich
>>> On 5/23/2021 10:32 PM, Imre Patyi wrote:
>>>> Dear Programming in J,
>>>> I made another test of numerical calculation in J,
>>>> this time looking at multiplying two matrices using
>>>> (+/ .*)  and here is what I have found.  It seems to
>>>> me that J with (+/ .*) has acceptable speed only for
>>>> matrices of order about 128 or below, after which order it
>>>> quickly falls behind other standard numerical software such
>>>> as python with numpy, and Octave.  I also wrote a naive C
>>>> program for matrix multiplication; for orders 256, 1024,
>>>> ..., 8192 J tracks as 2 to 4 faster than the naive C program
>>>> (which does not do SIMD or mind caching much).
>>>> Numpy and Octave are able to use multiple threads and/or cores
>>>> just by calling ordinary 'matmul', and they are about 7 to
>>>> 25 times as fast as J in my experiment.  As a primitive in J
>>>> the command (+/ .*) could be just as fast as in any competent
>>>> numerical program available in C for matrix multiplication.
>>>> Even if you do not want multithreading in J, it seems to
>>>> me that (+/ .*) has roughly 1/4 or 1/8 the speed of what should
>>>> be possible for a single threaded program.  It seems especially
>>>> troubling that it becomes just as slow as a plain vanilla
>>>> naive C program for larger sizes of the matrices.  I am not sure
>>>> why J does not seem to use BLAS or LAPACK for matrix multiplication.
>>>> Yours sincerely,
>>>> Imre Patyi
>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> Here is the summary of timings.
>>>> n time, C time, J time, python time, Octave (time, J)/(time, C) (time,
>>>> J)/(time, python) (time, J)/(time, Octave)
>>>> 256 0.0780 0.0073 0.0010 0.0007 0.0936 7.3047 9.8987
>>>> 512 0.2680 0.0671 0.0100 0.0050 0.2505 6.7137 13.4195
>>>> 1024 1.8400 0.7293 0.0479 0.0380 0.3964 15.2255 19.1919
>>>> 2048 14.0430 6.0432 0.2663 0.2851 0.4303 22.6938 21.1960
>>>> 4096 109.8290 54.4634 2.2739 2.1620 0.4959 23.9513 25.1917
>>>> 8192 874.8430 435.2600 17.1282 17.2197 0.4975 25.4120 25.2769
>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> File: example-of-matmul.ijs
>>>> f=: 3 : 0
>>>> N=.y
>>>> a=.2 o. ((4 : '(1234*x)+(5678*y)')"0 0)/~ (i.N)
>>>> NB.smoutput(i.5){(i.5){a
>>>> NB.smoutput''
>>>> t=.timex'b=:a(+/ .*)a'
>>>> NB.smoutput(i.5){(i.5){b
>>>> NB.t;(60 60#:t)
>>>> t
>>>> )
>>>> NB. Sample run.
>>>> NB.   ,.f"0]2^>:i.13
>>>> NB. 0.0135541
>>>> NB.   3.5e_6
>>>> NB.   2.9e_6
>>>> NB.     4e_6
>>>> NB.  1.77e_5
>>>> NB. 0.0001052
>>>> NB. 0.0008633
>>>> NB. 0.0072972
>>>> NB. 0.0671373
>>>> NB. 0.729313
>>>> NB.  6.04315
>>>> NB.  54.4634
>>>> NB.   435.26
>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> File:
>>>> import numpy, time
>>>> def f(n):
>>>>     i=numpy.array(numpy.arange(n).reshape((1,n)))
>>>>     a=numpy.cos(numpy.array(1234*i+5678*i.T))
>>>>     #print(a.shape)
>>>>     t0=time.time()
>>>>     b=numpy.matmul(a,a)
>>>>     return time.time()-t0
>>>> for i in range(1,1+13):
>>>>     print(f(2**i))
>>>> r"""     Sample run.
>>>> C:>py ""
>>>> 0.0020143985748291016
>>>> 0.0
>>>> 0.0
>>>> 0.0
>>>> 0.0
>>>> 0.0009746551513671875
>>>> 0.0
>>>> 0.0009989738464355469
>>>> 0.009999990463256836
>>>> 0.04790067672729492
>>>> 0.26629042625427246
>>>> 2.273921251296997
>>>> 17.128154277801514
>>>> """
>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> File:  The command I used in Octave.
>>>>>> for n=2.^(1:13) ; i=(0:n-1) ; a=cos(1234*i'+5678*i) ; tic,b=a*a;toc,
>>> end
>>>> Elapsed time is 1.3113e-05 seconds.
>>>> Elapsed time is 1.90735e-05 seconds.
>>>> Elapsed time is 1.38283e-05 seconds.
>>>> Elapsed time is 1.3113e-05 seconds.
>>>> Elapsed time is 2.09808e-05 seconds.
>>>> Elapsed time is 4.88758e-05 seconds.
>>>> Elapsed time is 0.000244141 seconds.
>>>> Elapsed time is 0.00073719 seconds.
>>>> Elapsed time is 0.00500298 seconds.
>>>> Elapsed time is 0.0380011 seconds.
>>>> Elapsed time is 0.285108 seconds.
>>>> Elapsed time is 2.16196 seconds.
>>>> Elapsed time is 17.2197 seconds.
>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> File: example-of-naive-matmul.c
>>>> #include <stdlib.h>
>>>> #include <stdio.h>
>>>> #include <math.h>
>>>> int
>>>> main(int argc, char **argv){
>>>> int N ;
>>>> if(argc==0){
>>>> N=8192 ;
>>>> } else {
>>>> N=atoi(argv[1]) ;
>>>> }
>>>> double *a=(double*)calloc(N*N,sizeof(double));
>>>> double *aT=(double*)calloc(N*N,sizeof(double));
>>>> for(int i=0 ; i<N ; i++){
>>>> for(int j =0 ; j<N ; j++){
>>>> a[i+N*j]=aT[j+N*i]=cos(1234*i+5678*j) ;
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> double *b=(double*)calloc(N*N,sizeof(double));
>>>> for(int i=0 ; i<N ; i++){
>>>> for(int j=0 ; j<N ; j++){
>>>> double bij=0.0 ;
>>>> for(int k=0 ; k<N ; k++){
>>>> bij += aT[k+N*i]*a[k+N*j] ;
>>>> }
>>>> b[i+N*j]=bij ;
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> printf("\n") ;
>>>> /*
>>>> for(int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++){
>>>> for(int j=0 ; j<5 ; j++){
>>>> printf("%f\t",a[i+N*j]) ;
>>>> }
>>>> printf("\n") ;
>>>> }
>>>> printf("\n") ;
>>>> for(int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++){
>>>> for(int j=0 ; j<5 ; j++){
>>>> printf("%f\t",b[i+N*j]) ;
>>>> }
>>>> printf("\n") ;
>>>> }
>>>> */
>>>> }
>>>> /* Sample run.
>>>> $ cc -o example-of-naive-matmul{,.c} -O3
>>>> $ for i in {1..13}; do n=`echo 2^$i|bc`; echo $n ; time
>>>> ./example-of-naive-matmul $n ; done
>>>> 2
>>>> real    0m0.038s
>>>> user    0m0.015s
>>>> sys     0m0.000s
>>>> 4
>>>> real    0m0.045s
>>>> user    0m0.000s
>>>> sys     0m0.030s
>>>> 8
>>>> real    0m0.047s
>>>> user    0m0.030s
>>>> sys     0m0.000s
>>>> 16
>>>> real    0m0.046s
>>>> user    0m0.046s
>>>> sys     0m0.015s
>>>> 32
>>>> real    0m0.051s
>>>> user    0m0.015s
>>>> sys     0m0.000s
>>>> 64
>>>> real    0m0.046s
>>>> user    0m0.000s
>>>> sys     0m0.030s
>>>> 128
>>>> real    0m0.045s
>>>> user    0m0.000s
>>>> sys     0m0.046s
>>>> 256
>>>> real    0m0.078s
>>>> user    0m0.015s
>>>> sys     0m0.030s
>>>> 512
>>>> real    0m0.268s
>>>> user    0m0.218s
>>>> sys     0m0.030s
>>>> 1024
>>>> real    0m1.840s
>>>> user    0m1.811s
>>>> sys     0m0.030s
>>>> 2048
>>>> real    0m14.043s
>>>> user    0m13.937s
>>>> sys     0m0.062s
>>>> 4096
>>>> real    1m49.829s
>>>> user    1m49.578s
>>>> sys     0m0.125s
>>>> 8192
>>>> real    14m34.843s
>>>> user    14m33.046s
>>>> sys     0m0.874s
>>>> */
>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> I ran all of the above on a lower midrange laptop with Windows 10,
>>>> i5, 8GB RAM, 2 cores, 4 threads; I used J805, Anaconda python 3.5,
>>>> Octave 5.2.0.
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