I have not completed the day 24 puzzle.

The day 24 puzzle has a sequence of instructions representing a
calculation to verify a model number (and conceptually enable features
based on that model number -- though part A of the puzzle does not
provide any details about that).

The processing unit performs integer calculations, and has four
registers: W, X, Y and Z.

There are six instructions, one which inputs a digit of the model
number, an add instruction, a multiply instruction, an integer
division instruction, a modulo instruction and an equals instruction.

The input instruction always inputs to register W (and is the only
instruction used to update W). The div instruction always divides by 1
or 26. The modulo instruction is always used to find a remainder
modulo 26 (and always only operates on positive values, or 0 for the
numerator). The multiply instruction seems to always multiply by 0 or
powers of 26. (To load a value into a register, the register is first
multiplied by 0 and then has another value added to it.)

A certain amount of simplifications are possible using math identities
and range constraints. But I do not have much more that's useful to
say until I've found a way of solving the puzzle.

Here's a snapshot of where I'm at, trying to work through these issues
(looks sloppy with a proportionally spaced font):

digit13                NB. W234=: W216 inp 13       [ 1 thru 9
0                      NB. X235=: X223 mul 0        [ 0
add Z228 Y232          NB. X236=: X235 add Z233     [ 9 thru 5520918021
mod 26|Z233 26         NB. X237=: X236 mod 26       [ 0 thru 25
mul <.Z210%26 X223     NB. Z238=: Z233 div 26       [ 0 thru 212343000
add X237 _4            NB. X239=: X237 add -4       [ _4 thru 21
eql X239 digit13       NB. X240=: X239 eql W234     [ 0 thru 1
eql X240 0             NB. X241=: X240 eql 0        [ 0 thru 1
0                      NB. Y242=: Y232 mul 0        [ 0
25                     NB. Y243=: Y242 add 25       [ 25
mul 25 X241            NB. Y244=: Y243 mul X241     [ 0 thru 25
add Y244 1             NB. Y245=: Y244 add 1        [ 1 thru 26
mul <.Z228%26 Y245     NB. Z246=: Z238 mul Y245     [ 0 thru 5520918000
0                      NB. Y247=: Y245 mul 0        [ 0
digit13                NB. Y248=: Y247 add W234     [ 1 thru 9
add digit13 7          NB. Y249=: Y248 add 7        [ 8 thru 16
mul Y249 X241          NB. Y250=: Y249 mul X241     [ 0 thru 16
add Z246 Y250          NB. Z251=: Z246 add Y250     [ 0 thru 5520918016

I am currently working on some tree unification mechanisms (maximum
common subtree elimination to let me better inspect the partially
resolved calculations).

I believe Eugene Nonko has solved this one, though I do not know if he
found J useful in his approach.


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