Actually, it was just me being confused (and needing to refresh the JAL 

It now works for me, I like the embedded plot. And it works great on the 
iPad too, even better!

Thanks Eric - I'll try to remember to always refresh the catalog 
(something that no doubt gets done automatically for the "more normal 
user"... :)

Thanks for the hint/reminder  Ric.

- joey

On 2011/12/04 16:10 , Ric Sherlock wrote:
>  From that output it appears that you have version 1.0.120 of ide/jhs
> installed, but that the later version 1.0.123 is available for
> installation from JAL.
> Assuming that there aren't any problems with proxy servers etc
> interfering with wget/curl then the following steps in a new session
> should upgrade to the latest version of ide/jhs
>     load 'pacman'
>     'update' jpkg ''  NB. update your local cache of what's available in JAL
>     'upgrade' jpkg 'ide/jhs' NB. upgrade the ide/jhs addon to latest version
>     'search' jpkg 'ide/jhs'  NB. confirm latest version installed
> +-------+-------+-------+-------+
> |ide/jhs|1.0.123|1.0.123|JHS IDE|
> +-------+-------+-------+-------+
> If for some reason there is a problem doing that upgrade you could try:
>     'reinstall' jpkg 'ide/jhs' NB. remove&  reinstall ide/jhs addon
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Joey K Tuttle<>  wrote:
>> This seems like a good thing - but I'm being thwarted by pacman. I had
>> to reinstall IDE to get it to update to:
>> ├───────────┼───────┼───────┼─────────┤
>> │ide/jhs │1.0.120│1.0.123│JHS IDE │
>> ├───────────┼───────┼───────┼─────────┤
>> Is that in fact the latest version?? If so, where can I find "jhsplot"?
>> It isn't anywhere up the tree from j64-701...
>> - joey
>> On 2011/12/04 15:11 , Eric Iverson wrote:
>>> The latest JHS update allows J plots to be displayed directly in the jijx
>>> session. This is perhaps the best way for casual use of plots and will
>>> probably become the default.
>>> JAL update to latest ide/jhs then stop and restart JHS server.
>>> start jijx browser page
>>>      load'plot'
>>>      plotdef 'jijx';400 100
>>>      jhsplot plot 10?10
>>>      jhsplot plot 100?100
>>> This new facility (plots embedded in jijx session) is not currently
>>> supported for the iPad but will be shortly.
>>> After a few more integration changes you won't need to do the jhsplot as it
>>> will be selected by the plotdef 'jijx' and you will by default get your
>>> plots in your jijx log.
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