Hi -

I don't usually use the GTK interface for my J session but was looking at
it again recently under Windows 7 as I'm having trouble getting any plot
output in J7 (J6 seems OK but only for the IDE - I don't get a display of
plots in console mode for either J6 - using "jee.exe javaw j.jar" - or J7
console or GTK under Windows 7).

I wanted to change the appearance of the GTK J7 session to my normal
preferences (dark background, light text) but seem to have lost or
forgotten how I do that.  I'm pretty sure I did this just a few months ago
but don't now see any configuration options that look relevant.  Did this
change?  Can anyone point me in the right direction here or was I imagining
that I used to be able to do that?


Devon McCormick, CFA
^me^ at acm.
org is my
preferred e-mail
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