As John says, not every n permits the existence of a non-Abelian group
of order n. If n is a prime, then there is precisely one abstract
group of order n and it is cyclic, hence Abelian.

Also as John says, the simplest example of a (barely) non-Abelian
group is the dihedral group: the ways of fitting a cut-out regular
polygon back in its hole, including flipping it over. Hence "dihedral"

I'd add that if n is odd, it enormously simplifies the possibilities.
This is the notorious Feit-Thompson theorem,
which in 1963 broke all records for the longest mathematical proof
ever published. It states that all odd-order groups are solvable.
"Solving" a group means breaking it down into its "composition
the components being called "simple" groups. The reverse process is
called "group extension":
which offers the basis of a group-constructing algorithm.

Simple groups include the cyclic groups of prime order, plus several
series of groups whose structure is very far from simple. It's been a
leading research problem for the past century to classify the finite
simple groups, and in 2004 it was actually completed.
In the 1960s it was one of the biggest international research programs
in pure mathematics I knew of, drawing in some of the leading
mathematical minds -- plus a few not-so-leading ones, like yours-truly

A finite group is called "solvable" only if its composition series
contains none of these tough-nut non-cyclic, non-Abelian groups, but
only prime-cyclics.

I recommend this article, especially
because it explains the problem deftly without plunging into the
asphyxiating terminology of finite group theory.

The title of my PhD dissertation was "the construction of finite
factorisable groups" (1972) and for it I actually got free exclusive
use of a large commercial mainframe (Burroughs B6500) to do a search
for finite simple groups of a given order... or at least, a search for
components called "elementary transcosets" which I needed to build up
any finite group, even non-solvable ones, by a kind of generalized
group extension called "transcoset theory".

As with number theory, the difficulties only appear for astronomical
values of n, the order of the target group G to be generated, far in
excess of what even today's computers can handle. In 1972 Marshall
Hall, jnr published a survey of all the simple groups up to
n=1,000,000, and the number you'd have to consider in a short(ish)
algorithm is manageable.

If I was setting out today using J to find all possible G of given
order n, I'd go right back to basics and work with the Cayley table of
G (=multiplication table). Yes, really. Using heuristics of course to
cut out the unwanted redundancy. Basically I'd choose an entry in
Cayley(G) to be an integer, 0 to (n-1). But if A is a subgroup of G
then the entries might become (<'A';p;q) where p and q are
permutations of the rows and columns of Cayley(A) --this in effect
builds Cayley(G) from the so-called right- and left-coset expansions
of A in G. If you build G up by extending it by one prime-cyclic: Cp
at a time, then Cayley(G) need only have (p^2) boxed entries.

This is just my preferred approach. If you ask another group theorist,
they'll more likely suggest representing the elements of G by the
elements of Sym(n) (which contains as subgroups all possible groups G)
-- ie as permutations, or as binary matrices (=permutation matrices)
(as you say you've been trying) and working with so-called "group

There's a conjecture that any (non-cyclic) simple group can be
generated by [the right choice of] precisely two elements. I think it
can be relied on for all practical values of n. If elements g and h
generate G, then G can be represented as a set of equations in {g,h}
-- this is called a "(group) presentation" of G. Deciding whether two
given presentations are isomorphic, or even whether any given
presentation is finite, are Turing-uncomputable problems (proven by
Gregory Chaitin, if memory serves), so I've never thought of
presentations as offering a viable computing technique. You may
disagree, and discover they suit you well. Though once you've got your
G, it's a neat way to define it. If I recall, all the new simple
groups that have been discovered in the last 40 years have been
published as group presentations. If you want a nice simple FAX to
play around with theorem-proving techniques, then a (semi-)group
presentation makes a splendid subject. I'd guess you'd need
theorem-proving to generate the Cayley table of G from a presentation
of it.

Do you want me to find my dissertation and dust it off?


On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Roger Hui <> wrote:
> Does anyone know a way to generate a non-abelian group with order m?
> I can generate non-abelian groups, e.g. multiplication of non-singular
> boolean matrices, or the group generated by a bunch of permutations, but I
> need a group of size m when I am given the m.
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