It looks like the book is incorrect.  Here's more up-to-date
information on how " D. " works: .

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Andrew Seary <> wrote:
> Hi there:
> I hought it was time to give J another try, so I downloaded J602 and
> started following the examples in Iverson's Calculus -- I always enjoy his 
> expositions.
> The following has stopped me in my tracks.
> From the examples in Chapter 3 (copy/paste from a J session):
> ===From J session====
>   lwh=:4 3 2
>   vol=:*/
>   vol lwh
> 24
>   vol D.1 lwh
> 6 8 12
>   VOLS=:vol\
>   VOLS lwh
> 4 12 24
>   VOLS D.1 lwh
> 1 3  6
> 0 4  8
> 0 0 12
> =======================
> That last result is the TRANPOSE of the what is shown in the text:
> ====From Calculus Ch. 3=
>   VOLS D.1 lwh
> 1 0 0
> 3 4 0
> 6 8 12
> ========================
> Showstoppper! What the heck is going on?
> Andrew Seary
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Devon McCormick, CFA
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