You might want to include a section about dependencies.

I tried download, but ./configure failed because I did not have
sundials installed.

I tried to get sundials v.2.5.0 from but
that download failed with the server reporting:
Could not create lock/30568.tmp (Permission denied).

Anyways, especially when trying to resolve machine failures, I think
it would help to have some certainty that the steps I am trying to
complete are the relevant steps.


On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Konstantin L. Metlov <> wrote:
> For some years I was thinking to do some large-scale numerical mathematics
> with J. It was clear to me from the very beginning that J can be an ideal
> language for this, very concise and efficient. But many important ingredients
> were lacking, like routines for numerical integration, Fourier transforms, ODE
> solving, vector field visualization. There were some, of course, but scattered
> and unsupported.
> This time, when I needed to integrate Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation from
> magnetism on finite element mesh (to simulate dynamics of nano-scale magnets),
> I decided to put together some bits and pieces (including my own) in a form of
> simulation language I called J&+ ("with J added", jplus or J+) and an ODE
> solver yacts. You can find the details here:
> Have a look !
> With the best regards,
>                           Konstantin.
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