#508: Combined SPIRES/Invenio syntax queries
  Reporter:  tbrooks    |      Owner:  valkyrie
      Type:  defect     |     Status:  in_merge
  Priority:  major      |  Milestone:
 Component:  WebSearch  |    Version:
Resolution:             |   Keywords:
Changes (by valkyrie):

 * status:  assigned => in_merge


 Ok, there is a fix up in my AFS as branch 508-syntax_mixing.  I want to
 say a few things about it:

 0) all queries from search_engine now are directed through the SPIRES
 syntax converter.  All the tests still pass.

 1) the SPIRES syntax converter has essentially "sticky contexts"; i.e.
 when it comes across something like "author:ellis and not quark and t
 muon", it will interpret things it knows to be SPIRES as SPIRES, things it
 knows to be invenio as invenio, and things that it's not sure about as
 whatever it saw most recently (so in this case it sees "and not quark" as
 an invenio thing)

 2) this context thing doesn't work with parens.  This is a first cut of
 the system.  I'll add paren support if you all think this is the right way
 to go.

Ticket URL: <http://invenio-software.org/ticket/508#comment:3>
Invenio <http://invenio-software.org>

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