Hello Tibor,

> P.S. I do agree with your Java remark; my favourite example is
>      anonymous functions:

Myself, with some white hairs in my beard, Java verbosity reminds me
this so much:

 001000$control optimize
 001100 identification division.
 001200 program-id.
 001300       staglist.
 001400 author.
 001500       Ferran Jorba.
 001600 installation.
 001700       UAB.
 001800 date-written.
 001900       January 1991.
 002000       Rewritten and translated into English, August, 1992.
 002100       Change default-tags, 31 Jan 1994
 002200 remarks.
 002300       This program takes the output of MARC records
 002400       from MARCPRT or HOLDPRT and reformats the output
 002500       to one physical record per field or tag, for wide-
 002600       paper printer (132 chars).
 002700       The output record consists on the control number
 002800       (BIB-ID, AUTH-ID or HOLDINGS-ID), level information,
 002900       tag number, indicators and the textual data.
 003000       It also allows the selection of a the set of tags
 003100       to be printed.
 003400 environment division.
 003600 configuration section.
 003800 source-computer.
 003900       HP-3000.
 004000 object-computer.
 004100       HP-3000 sequence is hpascii.
 004300 special-names.
 004400     hpascii is standard-1.

etc..., before the meat begins.  For me, Java is the new Cobol, necktie
included ;-(


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