Dear CDSware translators:

As you may know, CDSware is going to be released by the end of June
2006 under its new brand name, CDS Invenio.  It'll bring many new
features worth one year of development.  The internationalization of
the software has progressed considerably too: the package now contains
about seven times more localized messages than before.  Moreover, we
now use the standard GNU gettext technique in order to ease the
translation task for you.

Please have a look at the CDS Invenio internationalization page:

and read the section 2 of the ABOUT-NLS guide on the above page in
order to learn how to edit and contribute back the translation files.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to know more.

If you happen to send us some translation updates by Wednesday 28th
June 2006, then we shall include them into the next release already.
Otherwise we'll add them later into one of periodical release updates
that we plan to issue about once per month.

Many thanks for your kind contributions.

       - CDS Development Group

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