Hi Theodoros,

In data giovedì, 6 settembre 2012 13.24:35, Theodoros Theodoropoulos ha 
> While experimenting with Upload_Files response element (following 
> help/admin/websubmit-admin-guide#5.4), i realised that while the default 
> response element displays properly in a form (ie DEMOART), the following 
> errors are produced in the apache log and thus the 'Upload' button is 
> not functional:

Am I right in assuming you are testing here Invenio master? So, it has been 
recently introduced a new DB table that requires some sort of migration kit.

If you have installed a stock invenio atlantis demo site, still you will have 
to switch a flag to True in invenio.conf to enable the usage of this new 
table. Not using the table should have impacted only performance, but 
apparently it might also have some side effect.

Could you confirm me if adding:


to invenio-local.conf (followed up by usual inveniocfg --update-all and apache 

fixes the issue?

If you were not using Atlantis demo installed from scratch you might first 
need to run:

$ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/bibdocfile --fix-bibdocfsinfo-cache

Samuele Kaplun
Invenio Developer ** <http://invenio-software.org/>

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